Square Enix has announced the upcoming release of Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition for iOS, Android and Windows devices this fall. Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition is the same story you know and love, but this time with adorable, funny-looking chibis.

The cute art style feels a little like World of Final Fantasy, which is definitely great because that game is majorly underrated.
Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition takes place over the course of 10 episodes, all of which will be live when Pocket Edition launches. The touch controls have been optimized for mobile devices to make it as easy as possible for adventurers to journey through Eos whenever and wherever they like. But if you’re allergic to “casual” gaming experiences, you may need to take a pill first.

That said, the first episode of Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition will be available to try for free, so who knows, you might grow into it and really enjoy yourself.
Aside from the chibis and the 10-episode mobile format, it was described as a “full story experience” in a Gamescom 2017 livestream. That means warts and all, so if you hate the infamous Chapter 13 experience, don’t complain when you go through it again.

I personally can’t wait to see chibi Ardyn swanning sinisterly about with that deliciously smug purr of his, since all the same voice acting will still be in place.
There will also be familiar boss encounters against opponents like the Marlboro as well as the same questing, cooking and combat Final Fantasy XV players know and (mostly) love.

It’s a pretty bold move to bring even a streamlined version of a numbered Final Fantasy to smartphones, especially so soon after launch. However, the endearing art style and more casual feel should make Pocket Edition feel approachable to a great number of people, including those who don’t own a PS4 or chose not to dive into the expansive console game.
An open world game shrunk down to chibi size? I’m with it.

Look at Dorito Gladio. Look at him.
Are you looking forward to playing with the Chocobros on the go? Are you a fan of the stylistic decisions made for Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition? Feel free to let us know in the comments section below.