'Final Fantasy XV' $25 Season Pass Won't Include All DLC, Just Like Ultimate Collector's Edition Won't Include Season Pass

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Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy XV Square Enix

Final Fantasy XV is a game I have been rooting for, Tiffany, despite some troubling signs. We’re all rooting for it -- but some of the Final Fantasy XV team’s choices have been a little hard to swallow. The most recent uncomfortable decision from the Final Fantasy XV team is the news that the game’s $25 season pass will not include all DLC.

Cue the sound of the record screeching to a stop. Wait, what? That’s what a season pass is for, right? The definition of a season pass is “pay $X, get all the DLC.” That’s… like… the point.

But in an interview with Famitsu, Final Fantasy XV ’s director Hajime Tabata stated that the six previously announced DLC covered by the season pass did not encompass the sum total of the game’s DLC. “That won’t be all,” said Tabata. “The ones that we’ve announced are the ones were decided that we’ll certainly do.”

When Famitsu asked whether season pass owners would need to separately purchase DLC outside of the big six, Tabata said, “Yes. Should we decide on DLC that isn’t included in the Season Pass that is currently selling, then that’s how it’ll be. Although there are still many parts that are uncertain.”

Still? Great sign for a game that’s been in development for eleventy billion years, guys.

It’s just as baffling as the fact that the $270 Ultimate Collector’s Edition, which comes with an exclusive PlayArts figure of Noctis, the full Brotherhood anime spin-off, a 192-page hardcover art book and (probably) a bio-engineered chocobo friend that lives and breathes and loves you very much, somehow still does not come with the season pass.

Because I guess at $270, Ultimate Collector’s Edition owners still haven’t paid enough for the privilege, right? Gotta get more blood from this stone?

The season pass is included in Final Fantasy XV ’s digital premium edition, available for pre-order at an $85 sticker price. But this is all very confusing: the entire reason cited for Final Fantasy XV’s billionth delay is consumer friendliness, but a season pass that doesn’t include all DLC and an “Ultimate” Collector’s Edition that doesn’t include the season pass both seem to put the lie to that.

I guess that’s what we get for agreeing to lay down money based on hype and expectation, sight unseen. At this point, we’re gonna need to break out the Venn diagrams to figure out what edition gets what DLC, let alone what DLC we’ll even get at all.

Final Fantasy XV releases simultaneously worldwide on PS4 and Xbox One this Nov. 29. (I’m still rooting for you, Tiffany.)

Final Fantasy XV
Combat, Plot, Characters Create Something Flawed, Beautiful, Fantastic
Despite it's flaws, Final Fantasy XV is a milestone achievement: not just for being completed, but for being completed with polish, aplomb and love.
  • Engaging main cast of characters
  • Fun, fast-paced combat
  • A massive, beautiful world to explore
  • The Regalia!
  • Continuous updates have addressed some shortcomings of the initial release
  • Major aspects of the story feel rushed or absent, particularly toward the end of the game
  • Stealth sequences feel out of place
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