The latest update for Final Fantasy XV has dropped a bit earlier than expected, a little more than a day ahead of the March 28 release date of Episode Gladiolus. The update combines versions 1.06 and 1.07, and is a sizable 5.6 GB download. Full patch notes can be found below. The most significant aspect of new update is a vastly streamlined and improved gameplay experience for Chapter 13, titled Chapter 13 Verse Two.
Chapter 13.2 can be accessed via the Special menu on the title screen, or via an existing Chapter 13 save file. Once in Gralea, players can toggle between controlling Noctis or Gladio / Ignis by visiting a dormitory and interacting with the ? icon (not the typical inn / bed icon).

Opting to play as Gladio and Ignis will find you right where Noctis left them, navigating the wrecked train carriages to enter Zegnatus Keep. You’ll follow the same route to get inside, and matters are far simpler once you’re in the walls of the keep. We've compiled a brief list of some of the major changes we noticed below. If you haven't completed Chapter 13 of FFXV yet, there are some mild spoilers to follow, though any plot details will be discussed vaguely.
Final Fantasy XV Chapter 13 Verse 2 Key Gameplay Changes
- New cutscenes / dialogue between Gladio, Ignis and Ardyn.
- New cutscenes between Emperor and Ravus.
- Gladio and Ignis’ version of the Gralea dungeon eliminates some of the backtracking and opens certain walls / doors, allowing quicker ascent to the top of the dungeon.
- Ardyn will also provide verbal guidance to Gladio and Ignis, and the dialogue is different than for Noct’s playthrough.
- Playing through Verse 2 as Gladio uses the combat system of Episode Gladiolus.
- Stats / equipment / skills / items do not carry over from main game.
- Cannot change Gladio or Ingis' gear.
- New radio / document info relevant to main storyline. Gladio mentions to look out for these things in his route.
- Gladio / Ignis encounter lower-level enemies than does Noct.
- Ignis hangs back in combat, though does participate somewhat.
- Gladio's greatsword can destroy certain types of crates, during and outside battle.
- While playing as Noct, Ring of the Lucii attacks are more effective.
- This update also seems to have eliminated the "accidentally jump while picking up an item" issue, which is awfully nice!
- At least in the Iggy / Gladdy route, it's MUCH more clear who the Foras monster is.
- UPDATE: you cannot switch between Gladio / Noct partway through after making your initial selection. The new Gladio / Ignis version of events will join up with the main story right before you reunite with a certain missing person.

Final Fantasy XV Update 1.06 and 1.07 Patch Notes
Version 1.07
- Various bug fixes
Version 1.06
- Addition of Chapter 13, Verse 2 (alternate route featuring Gladiolus)
- Enhancement of Arcana spells (Alterna, Holy, Death)
- Announcement of winning snapshots from first photo contest (viewable at Takka’s Pit Stop in Hammerhead)
- Temporary conclusion of Timed Quests (will resume at a later date)
- Addition of two pieces from “Episode Gladiolus” downloadable content to music player tracklist
- Addition of compatibility with “Episode Gladiolus” downloadable content
- Various gameplay enhancements
- Various bug fixes
- Updated saves will not work on former versions of the game
We will update this article as we get a chance to play all the way through FFXV’s Chapter 13 Verse 2. In the meantime, feel free to jump down to the comments to let us know what you think of the changes you’ve spotted so far, and if there’s any other big tweaks that you noticed!
- Engaging main cast of characters
- Fun, fast-paced combat
- A massive, beautiful world to explore
- The Regalia!
- Continuous updates have addressed some shortcomings of the initial release
- Major aspects of the story feel rushed or absent, particularly toward the end of the game
- Stealth sequences feel out of place