‘The Flash’ Season 3 Episode 8: Hall Of Justice, Earth-38, Kid Flash & More Highlights From ‘Invasion!’

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There were a ton of memorable scenes in The Flash Season 3 crossover episode, "Invasion." The look on Felicity’s face when she found out Caitlin is Killer Frost. Iris telling Barry she thinks Oliver is hot. Heat Wave explaining to Supergirl why he thinks her name is stupid. Oliver’s reaction to Barry admitting he only went back in time to save his mom, and Diggle puking his guts out after traveling at superspeed. There were also a few iconic comic book moments. Here are the highlights.

Hall of Justice

Hall of Justice in 'The Flash' Season 3.
Hall of Justice in 'The Flash' Season 3. CW
The Hall of Justice on 'The Flash.'
The Hall of Justice on 'The Flash.' CW
Hall of Justice on 'The Flash' Season 3.
Hall of Justice on 'The Flash' Season 3. CW

An old Star Labs facility looks like a lot like the Hall of Justice in live-action. Barry even hinted at what the name of the building could become. “It’s just this old hall, hanger, thing that STAR Labs own, or I guess, I own it,” Barry says. “Well you should do something with it,” Thea suggests.

It’s unclear if this space is just for crossovers or if it’ll become the new base for Team Flash. H.R. wants to make the current Star Labs facility public and Barry has no job, so why not?

Supergirl Is From Earth-38

When Cisco opens the breach to go get Supergirl, he reveals she lives on Earth-38. “This is a nice universe you got here,” Cisco says when he arrives.

Waverider Message Is Related To Flashpoint

Barry sent a message to Rip Hunter from 2056, but Jax and Professor Stein the recording in the Waverider.
Barry sent a message to Rip Hunter from 2056, but Jax and Professor Stein the recording in the Waverider. CW

We heard what appears to be the full message future Barry Allen from 2056 sent Rip Hunter. Barry warned Rip he’d be called back to Central City because there’s a war. Barry told Rip everyone’s past and future is changed, even his own, and not to trust anyone. (Read more about what we think that message could mean here. )

The Newspaper

Central City Citizen newspaper clipping from Season 3.
Central City Citizen newspaper clipping from Season 3. CW

Barry showed Oliver a Central City Citizen Newspaper clipping from 2024. We’ve seen this before back in Season 1, but this version has an important difference. Iris West-Allen is no longer the other. Instead it’s Julia Greer.

Supergirl Vs. Arrow & The Flash

While carrying Wally on his back, Oliver took out Speedy, Spartan, and White Canary with no arrows left. The Flash fought Supergirl, and let’s just say Barry proved he just may be faster than a kryptonian.

Professor Stein’s Daughter

Lily Stein on 'The Flash.'
Lily Stein on 'The Flash.' CW

Professor Stein learned he has a daughter. He’s been seeing her in visions that appear to be caused by Flashpoint. Stein’s memories are starting to change. According to Deadline, Christina Brucato has been cast in a recurring role on the series to play Stein’s daughter, Lily.

Kid Flash

Seeing Kid Flash jump into action was great, until he got thrown 100 feet without a super suit. Keep training, buddy. Right now, Wally is faster than Barry was when he first got his powers. Hopefully the question of who's faster will continue to develop throughout the season.

The Dominators

The aliens didn’t do to much fighting yet. They mind controlled everyone as a distraction, and at the very end of the episode took Thea, Ray, Dig and Oliver up into their spaceship. We’ll find out what happens during Arrow’s ‘Invasion!’ episode.

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