Barry has been struggling lately, and it’s about time he visits the place with all the answers: the speed force. In The Flash Season 3 episode 16, Barry will enter the speed force to ask about Savitar, known as the Dark Master, according to the episode synopsis released yesterday.
BARRY TURNS TO THE SPEED FORCE – Desperate to stop Savitar and save his friends, Barry (Grant Gustin) turns to the Speed Force for answers. H.R. (Tom Cavanagh) gives Jesse (Violett Beane) some advice.
The speed force is a semi-sentient dimensional energy source -- the place that grants each speedster their power. According to Jay Garrick, Savitar is the first human to whom the speed force granted powers. Barry has visited before. When he loses his powers in Season 2, the speed force gives them back to him.

We’ve also seen speedsters like Eobard Thawne access the speed force. Zoom is now a part of it, reincarnated as Black Flash, after Barry caused the time wraiths to attack him in last season’s finale. Vibe can also create a connection to the speed force, and Barry woke Jesse Quick up from a coma with a jolt of it’s energy earlier this season.
The speed force may be exactly what Barry needs to help him defeat Savitar and save Iris. With Black Flash, the grim reaper of the speed force, expected to appear later this season on both Legends of Tomorrow and The Flash , this visit could have a huge impact on what’s to come.
“Into the Speed Force” airs March 14.