Black Flash finally appeared on The Flash Season 3. The speedster debuted first on Legends of Tomorrow a few weeks ago chasing down Reverse-Flash, but Barry had the pleasure of meeting the evil creature inside the speed force during episode 16, “Into The Speed Force.” So who is Black Flash and what does he want?

Tonight’s episode of The Flash didn’t make it clear, but the Black Flash is Zoom, also known as Hunter Zolomon. Teddy Sears, who played Zoom last season on The Flash, confirmed his character transformed into Black Flash, the grim reaper of the speed force, during The Flash Season 2 finale when he was eaten by the time wraiths.
READ: ‘The Flash’ Season 3 Episode 16 Recap
Black Flash didn’t talk to Barry during the episode and it’s unclear if Barry even realizes what Zoom has become, but this deadly speedster is nothing new to Reverse-Flash, who describes Black Flash as no who, but a ‘what’ or a thing that hunts speedsters who mess with time. Reverse-Flash eventually figures out Black Flash’s weakness: if he doesn’t use his powers, Black Flash can’t track him. Barry wasn’t so lucky. Black Flash choked Barry until his face turned grey and black, almost like he was getting the life sucked out of him. It was not a good introduction.
Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg recently teased Black Flash will have an important role on both Legends and The Flash.
“He’s a classic character. We have storylines on multiple shows that fit having him around. There’s something so scary about him, something even scarier than when he was just the man, because now it’s now he is the Grim Reaper, he is the devil. How do you stop the devil?”
READ: Will Black Flash Take Down Savitar?
There are tons of ways Black Flash could be deeper incorporated into Legends and The Flash. In the comics, Reverse-Flash, Zoom and Barry all became Black Flash at one time or another. In fact, that’s how Barry ultimately defeated Savitar. But even if Barry doesn’t become the Black Flash, there are still many ways the series could go with the arc. Black Flash has just as much reason to hunt Savitar and Reverse-Flash as he does Barry. It’d be awesome to see Black Flash go toe-to-toe with Barry’s strongest old foes.
Barry has also vowed to save Jay Garrick from the speed force prison his future self created. Jay insisted on taking Wally's place in the hell future Barry created to lock up Savitar. It's likely if he plans on fulfilling his promise of coming back for Jay, he's going to have to learn how to hold his own against Black Flash.
When do you think we will see more Black Flash? Let us know in the comments below!