Fortnite has received its version 2.4.1 update, or 1.41 on PS4, to address a strange resolution bug that previously occurred across PS4 and Xbox One. The patch deployed around 4 a.m. EST and was announced by Epic Games via an early morning tweet.
V.2.4.1 is planned to release on PS4 at 4AM ET(09:00 GMT). Sorry for the typo.
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) February 3, 2018
“V.2.4.1 is planned to release on PS4 at 4 a.m. EST (9 GMT). Sorry for the typo,” the tweet reads.
The emergency update arrives hours after the delayed deployment of patch 2.4.0. Amidst significant server problems and a desire to fix issues with the game’s crucial building mechanic, Epic opted to abandon its traditional weekly release plan in favor of providing something with a higher level of polish. Unfortunately, with these console resolution bugs in tow, players had trouble reading UI graphics and navigating the map. Needless to say, it wasn’t a good scene.
That being said, it’s starting to look like hotfixes hours after major patch releases may be the new normal for the Fortnite community. Whether it’s the Battle Royale map update, last week’s addition of the Chug Jug or the current issues after the Minigun, it seems like a sure thing that bugs will have to be squashed in the hours that follow. Considering Fortnite is an early access game, though, issues like these tend to come with the territory.
The updated patch notes for version 2.4.0 are fairly extensive, but one specific tweak sticks out from the rest. Under the “Fixed Issues” heading, there’s a single bullet for “PS4 Resolution is significantly lower than it has been in the past.” Devoid of any real game development insight, we imagine adjusting those values might have caused the resolution issues players had experienced.
Fortnite’s last big update introduced the highly anticipated Minigun to the Battle Royale arena. Save The World players also get to experience a few new quest types too. While upcoming seasonal events for the game have been delayed, Epic has assured fans its teams are working hard to stabilize the Fortnite experience across all platforms.
The Fortnite phenomenon took hold shortly after the release of its free Battle Royale mode in September. Since then, the game’s audience has swelled to 40 million players. The rapid influx of new traffic even spurred Epic to cancel its divisive Paragon MOBA just to bring new developers to the team. Epic is clearly struggling to maintain quality amidst Fortnite’s success, but hopefully, these recent pitfalls are just a small blip on the long roadmap ahead.
Fortnite is in early access across PS4, Xbox One and PC.
Has your gaming experience improved since the Fortnite resolution update? Are you frustrated by the game’s recent issues? Tell us in the comments section!