I am in full-blown panic mode about the "Game of Thrones" season 5 premiere, by which I mean I'm sitting here calmly writing about it while watching "Futurama," because that's what panic is like. Because it's looking a lot like the next season is probably cutting Arianne Martell, which, if true, will be a tremendous disaster. It would make the next season the worst thing it could possibly be: Not good.
"Game of Thrones" Season 5 Premiere: What If They Do Cut Arianne?
Is Arianne Martell truly on the chopping block? It's hard to say for sure, but that's where all signs are pointing. They announced all the other big Dorne characters already: Doran, Tristane, Areo Hotah, and a bunch of Sand Snakes, even a new Myrcella. But no Arianne, and no Quentyn. No Greyjoys, either. Yea, maybe "Game of Thrones" is going to announce them later. But maybe they're just conflating the Sand Snakes with Arianne. That would be... quite unfortunate indeed.
If you're a book reader, or at least a "Game of Thrones" book reader, you know just how important Arianne is in "A Feast For Crows" and "A Dance With Dragons." Like, the entire Dorne storyline centers around her. And you can't just switch her with the Sand Snakes: Arianne is at the center because she is Doran Martell's eldest child, and therefore the de jure heir to the principality of Dorne. And certain somethings in "Dance" in particular concern Arianne in particular. Before you start bellyaching about "Game of Thrones" spoilers, remember that that's the vaguest thing that's ever been said by anybody, and get over it.
Anyway, let's say they do cut Arianne Martell from "Game of Thrones" season 5. You have only two choices then: Watch or don't watch. Well, you could also bellyache about it on the Internet, but we're already doing that and we don't even know anything concrete yet. Personally, I think you should go for, actually, not watching it.
Seriously: If "Game of Thrones" season 5 cuts Arianne Martell, us hardcore book readers should stop watching it. I don't want to use a strong word like boycott, but I do think that we should both find a way to vocally express our displeasure, and divorce ourselves from an adaptation that is taking such a dramatic step away from its source material. This is a different medium and a story told in a different way, but "Game of Thrones" is still an adaptation, and it has to pay some attention to its source material.
Does it sound like a bold step? Sure. But so is cutting Arianne from "Game of Thrones" season 5. Cutting Stoneheart was one thing; they're justifying that based on story and pacing, and while I completely disagree with their decision, they have more information than we do. But we have more than enough information about Arianne to know that she is very important, not just in the future but in the present. And cutting her is a big, big mistake, the biggest the show will have made.