Game of Thrones season 6 is such a tease. The show gave us some very strong indications that a certain Lady Stoneheart might be joining the fray this past episode, but it disappointed at nearly the last moment in exchange for major Arya Stark updates. But we should not give up home. We finally got Coldhands, after lo these many years. We still have a shot at Lady Stoneheart.
Lady Stoneheart: The Hound Pissed On Our Dreams

The Hound stumbled upon the Brotherhood Without Banners, who haven’t been seen in several seasons, but are still kicking around out there. Beric Dondarrion is still alive and in charge of the Brotherhood, which has less and less to do as the wars in the south are ended. The time is ripe for Lady Stoneheart—no matter what the directors are saying. They pulled the wool over our eyes with Jon Snow, after all.
For those not in the know, Lady Stoneheart is the resurrected body of Catelyn Stark, who was slain a full three seasons ago at the Red Wedding. In the books, her body is found three days later with a slit throat and substantial water-born decay, and Beric Dondarrion gives his life to pass the Lord of Light’s gift to her, bringing her back to life. She takes over the Brotherhood Without Banners and turns them into a violent and cruel force, seeking vengeance alone. The show cut the character, to much consternation, but—as with Coldhands—many of us held out hope that she would someday show up again.
This week’s episode seemed like the time. After all, Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr showed up for the first time in ages. And the episode itself was a major tease—there was a lot of talk about the Red Wedding and Catelyn Stark in particular, from Brienne and Jaime and Edmure, so it was fresh in our minds (the wound still hurts). And the show gave us a few long shots of the Hound pissing in a river, and we even saw close shots of the water itself. It was a major and deliberate hint or tease about Lady Stoneheart, who would be found in the water. Alas, it was not yet to be.
But don’t lose hope. The Hound is still with the Brotherhood, and as long as he is, there’s hope for Lady Stoneheart. Let us have faith and hope for a surprise appearance, as we finally got with the other dead Stark revenant, Coldhands. If he finally showed up, Stoneheart isn’t off the table just yet.