'Game Of Thrones' Season 7 Spoilers: Leaked Set Photos Suggest Dany And Her Dragons Will Conquer A Major Westerosi City

Drogon HBO

Leaked set photos from a new Game of Thrones filming location in Spain point to a devastating turn for Queen Cersei and her reign in Season 7. If Watchers on the Wall is right about their interpretation of leaked set photos, then Daenerys and her dragons may conquer King’s Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.

The Game of Thrones production team is busy prepping Roman ruins in the Spanish city of Santiponce. The amphitheater of well-preserved city of Italica, originally founded by famous Roman general Scipio Africanus after the Second Punic Wars, will be a location in Game of Thrones Season 7.

Citing anonymous sources (and the way it looks), Watchers on the Wall believes the Italica set will be a stand-in for the Dragonpit. Originally built during the Targaryen dynasty, the Dragonpit was a massive, domed building that housed the family dragons. By the time of Game of Thrones, the Dragonpit is no more than a burnt-out ruin. We’ve yet to see it on the show, but that looks likely to change in Season 7.

While we can’t say for sure what role the Dragonpit will play in the next season of Game of Thrones (perhaps Cersei wants to throw a party there), the most likely explanation is that the site will be put to its intended use: housing dragons. It seems like Dany’s invasion of Westeros will be quite successful, at least for a while.

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