A new update for Gloria Victis is available to download. Update 335 brought numerous quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes.
For those who are having trouble with recipes, the developers added a new indicator on the top left corner of recipe icons. This indicator will help players figure out if a recipe is known or can be learned, which will help manage your recipe collection. It should also eliminate the usage of tooltips each time you have to look it up.
Quality-of-Life Improvements
The developers updated the visuals for the Enhancement window to match the new user interface style. Now, the Enhancement window looks like it is native to the game.
Gloria Victis Weekly Update 335
- Added “Not enough materials” error when we are clicking “add materials” in the workstation UI while not having materials.
- Added missing marker to the “Uninvited Guests” quest, when we need to talk with Aston.
- Added a progressbar minigame to dig up treasures. Digging lasts for 30 seconds, each proper minigame click grants a bonus of 5% of the timer progress.
- We have finished setting all Ismir and East Sangmarian Ferrymen.
- Fixed an issue with respawn window borders.
- Fixed the problem causing respawn points to disappear while opening Map fullscreen window while in respawn mode.
- Fixed an error that was causing a reset of tinctures' duration to the base value after participating in the Valley of Death tournament.
- Fixed an issue where elixir's duration could be increased after each relog if players guild had a Wenedian Witch Technology active.
- Fixed the tooltip behavior when hovering on a recipe in the workstation recipe list.
- Fixed errors in Nur’s dialogue which could lead players to get stuck with their quest lines if they had full inventory and could not take the reward.
- Fixed the position of buildings in Ystad Village and Gate position in Fort Mereley.
- Fixed an issue that caused faster mount summon buffs to be cleared if a player got a campfire buff.
- Fixed the memorial's position and interaction after map changes.
- Fixed the small arena located nearby every capital.
- Fixed an issue where the next siege event cooldown was not impacted by the “after-VoD” siege event where it should be.
- Fixed a problem with not expanding the dropdown of the fortifications layer in the architect table window.
- Fixed the problem with the missing image on the Abbey Mirador location card.
You can read more about the update here.