Going Medieval: Performance Improvements and Bug Fixes in Patch 0.8.28

Patch 0.8.28
Patch 0.8.28 Twitter/@going_medieval

A minor update was launched recently for Going Medieval that contains bug fixes and improvements. One major implementation in Patch 0.8.28 is the improved game performance, meaning that players are less likely to experience lag than before. This is a welcome change since the game had received a pretty sizable update earlier this month.

Another thing worth mentioning is that Patch 0.8.28 now allows players to remap certain in-game functions to the additional buttons on their mouse. So, for those using a gaming mouse with extra buttons on the side, this is a pretty good feature. While the middle mouse button can also be remapped, the mouse wheel functionality remains locked by default, just like the left and right buttons.

For bug fixes, Going Medieval is a bit more stable now, thanks to the various crash fixes. Furthermore, the issue that made the “Cancel” button in the keyboard configuration menu revert the already applied keybinds has been fixed.

The complete changelog for Patch 0.8.28 can be found below:

  • The way the enemy list is shown upon hovering on the “Raid” notification is now formatted differently. Now, the list will not show each enemy separately
  • Text for some equipment in the Almanac has received clearer wording
  • Animation of rats and chickens received a bit of fine-tuning
  • Fixed the issue that caused food particles to stay visible even if a settler is drafted/undrafted
  • Fixed the issue that caused the disappearance of the rebellious purple highlight upon loading the game
  • Fixed the issue that caused prioritization of tending wounds to not work as intended
  • Fixed the issue that caused an infinite hauling loop for settlers and animals when interacting with walled shelves and racks
  • Fixed missing text for Woodwork Bench and Sewing Station, in the Almanac
  • Fixed the issue that caused constant spawn and destruction of certain pile types if those piles appeared under socketable shelves
  • Fixed the issue that occurred when the player would use the “Cancel” button during the building installation process - if the player selected the corresponding building pile after that, it would still show the “Cancel” button even though there’s nothing to cancel
  • Fixed the issue that didn’t show proper resource availability when the player would install a blueprint
  • Fixed the issue that caused combat music to disappear upon loading the save with an active raid

Going Medieval is available on PC.

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