Developer Obsidian Entertainment has launched a new patch for Grounded. The Bugs Strike Back Update adds new defensive systems that allow you to eliminate any bugs that may come to your base. This update also brings an improved PEEP.R.
New Defensive Systems
Bugs have become more feisty in Grounded, and they’re not afraid to take the fight back to your base if you intrude in their territory. Annoy a particular species of bugs enough and you’ll find them swarming your base shortly after. The good thing is that there are new defensive structures you can deploy to keep them at bay.
Two turrets have been added in The Bugs Strike Back Update. The first is the Pebblet Turret which fires pebblets at high speeds to destroy enemies. The second is the Pollen Turret and, as the name implies, this structure shoots pollen that can stun enemies. This is best used against flying bugs, so do build and place the Pollen Turret strategically around your base for maximum effect. Aside from the two turrets, there’s also the new Explosive Burr Trap, which is a highly volatile trap that explodes as soon as any bug hits it.
Improved PEEP.R
The PEEP.R was a feature introduced in a previous major update. It has been improved in this patch as you can now unlock creature cards with it. Creature cards contain important information about the bugs you’ve scanned, including their strengths, weaknesses, and how many times you’ve killed them, among others.

Armor Upgrades
- +1 to +5
- Upgrades the Damage Threshold value and durability of armor by 5% per level up
- Requires Grub Leather Plates
- +6 to +7
- Upgrades the Damage Threshold value and durability of armor by 10%
- Requires Berry Leather Plates
- +8 to +9
- Upgrades the Damage Threshold value and durability of armor by 10%
- Requires Berry Leather Plates
- Upgrades the Damage Threshold value and durability of armors by 10%
- Requires Pupa Leather Plates
- +6 to +7
- Upgrades the Damage Threshold value and durability of armor by 5% per level up
- Unlocks an innate status effect on the armor piece
- Requires Berry Leather Plates
- +8 to +9
- Upgrades the Damage Threshold value and durability of armor by 5% per level up
- Requires Pupa Leather Plates
- Weight Classes Reworked
- 10% Damage Reduction
- 5% More stamina cost to attack
- 20% Damage Reduction
- 15% More stamina cost to attack
- 30% Damage Reduction
- 25% More stamina cost to attack
- All weapons and armor +6 or higher have their repair recipe replaced with "Repair Glue"
- Repair Glue can be crafted at a new crafting station: the "Glue Factory"
- Weapons and armor of +0 through +5 use their normal repair recipes as usual
Grounded The Bugs Strike Back Update is available on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.