Rockstar sprinkled in some Gunrunning content for GTA Online over the July 4 weekend update, including the futuristic-looking Dewbauchee Vagner supercar. That said, the dev team still has a couple more brand-new vehicles coming down the pipeline, including another particularly exciting supercar – the Ocelot XA-21.
The XA-21's Legendary Motorsport description is as follows: To those who argue that the supercar is dead and hybrid tech was only a fad, the XA-21 would like a word as soon as it's done banging your mom. And when you're done saying thank you, it'll show you the kind of annihilating performance that can only be achieved by locking a team of world-class engineers in a lab for six months and lacing their food with amphetamines. This is the cutting edge. And you're welcome.

The Ocelot XA-21 sounds intense, to say the least, but how does this new supercar measure up to the wild spaceship that is the Vagner?
YouTuber MrE Mystery MrE pit the XA-21 against the Vagner in a classic airstrip drag race. As you could imagine, the two titans were pretty neck and neck. Off the line, the XA-21 took off and seriously gapped the Vagner. Yet halfway down the stretch, the Vagner gets a second wind and starts to crawl back for the lead.
Ultimately, it's the Vagner with the superior top speed, but that's obviously only one dimension to what makes a great supercar. We want to see a car that can seriously launch from a stand still as well. This is where the XA-21 definitely excels. And while MrE doesn't go into detail regarding how well the two supercars handle in the corners, we know that the streets of Los Santos can be twisty and narrow. In most cases, superior acceleration will matter more than top speed.
On the other hand, if you already own a Dewbauchee Vagner, coughing out the dough to add an XA-21 to your stable is a hefty price to pay. The Vagner costs a cool $1,535,000. However, the XA-21 sets you back even further with a price of $2,375,000. It's definitely not an easy price tag to digest.
Check out the Ocelot XA-21 Vs. Dewbauchee Vagner speed test in the video below. Which supercar do you prefer? Let us know in the comment section.