The GTA Online Smuggler's Run DLC arrived on Tuesday, bringing us a new smuggling ring criminal enterprise. This time, the business venture brings us to the skies as Rockstar introduces us to new aircrafts utilized for the transport and airdrop of questionable cargo. From hard drugs to stolen jewelry, whatever your client wants, your client gets.
To get started, ambitious entrepreneurs with a loose moral compass can invest in a private Hangar HQ to store their aircraft and manage operations. The DLC update also brings players seven new aircraft, including the Buckingham Alpha-Z1, Nagasaki Havok and Nagasaki Ultralight, available now at Elitás Travel. Meanwhile, the LF-22 Starling, Mammoth Tula, V-65 Molotok and Western Rogue can be purchased from Warstock Cache & Carry.
Next up, the new Smuggler's Run vehicles include the classic compact Vapid Retinue and the hyper-futuristic Grotti Visione exotic supercar. These two cars share almost nothing in common, except for names that curiously sound eyeball-inspired.
This new GTA Online Smuggler’s Run DLC is giving us a decent amount of great stuff, but similar to the long-tailed Gunrunning DLC, Rockstar is preparing to deliver even more content in the weeks ahead. Via GTA YouTuber MrBossFTW, here are some of the unreleased vehicles that are expected to arrive shortly.

From Warstock Cache & Carry, first up is the Bombushka. The Bombushka is a massive 4-propellor bomber plane with an equally massive price of $4,450,000. Next comes the Mogul, a smaller aircraft that also packs bomber capabilities as well as a glass dome for the gunner to fire away at enemy craft. The Mogul is expected to be the second plane from Cache and Carry and sold for $2,350,000. The Pyro is the smallest of the three, featuring a compact fuselage and a twin boom connected to a rear wing piece. This Pyro is an interesting looking plane that wasn’t featured in any of Rockstar’s Smuggler’s Run teaser screenshots. The price of the Pyro is $3,350,000.
Warstock Cache & Carry will also feature a radical new vehicle called the Vigilante to GTA Online. From the name and its appearance, we know the Vigilante is heavily inspired by the Batmobile, complete with a jet engine and four truck tires in the rear. You can buy the Vigilante for $3,750,000 and given its superhero influences, this insane vehicle will most likely be available around Halloween. Continuing down the list of vehicles coming to Cache and Carry, the Nakota is the Rustler from San Andreas returning to Los Santos in GTA Online. The Nakota is $1,995,000, making it the least expensive vehicle so far. The Hunter is the only assault helicopter coming to Smuggler’s Run and will cost $3,100,000. Finally, the last aircraft from Warstock Cache & Carry is the Laser, though it’s been available in GTA 5 since day one, but it will cost $6,500,000 to add in your collection. If the numbers are accurate, then the Laser is the most expensive vehicle in the game yet.

Moving on to Legendary Motorsports, there will be two new vehicles coming to Smuggler’s Run. The first is the Dewbauchee Rapid GT Classic, based on an Aston Martin V8 Vantage. Finally, the Classic is the first vehicle coming after Smuggler’s Run to be priced below a million, at $885,000 to be exact. The second vehicle is the Coil Cyclone, an electric-motor supercar. High tech supercars always come at a handsome cost, this time $1,890,000.

Finally, we’re at Elitas Travel. The two final vehicles are fun recreational airplanes that do not possess the firepower you’d find at Warstock Cache & Carry. The first plane is the Howard NX-25. Its shape and design is very similar to the Alpha-Z1, but it comes it at a significantly more affordable at $975,000 compared to the Z1’s $1.5 million price tag. Next, we have the Seabreeze, which starts at an even more affordable $850,000, below even the Dewbauchee Rapid GT Classic.
Since we’re dealing with Warstock Cache & Carry, Elitás Travel and Legendary Motorsports, it’s difficult to know which will come first. Still, that’s 11 vehicles coming to GTA Online and if Rockstar drip feeds the content with one vehicle a week, that’s 11 consecutive weeks of new toys to buy and enjoy.
I’m looking forward to enjoying the Batmobile-inspired Vigilante most. What vehicles coming to GTA Online do you look forward to most? Let us know in the comment section below.