Halo 4 Flight Coming This Month Along With Previously Cut Helmet And Armor Piece

Halo: MCC
Halo: MCC Daily Express

343 Industries continuous to add free content to Halo: Master Chief Collection. The developers have already confirmed that Halo 4 Flighting, another word for beta testing, is going to start at the end of October. Halo 4's Beta launch on PC will also bring tons of new features to the game. This includes better customization, text chat options, input based matchmaking, crossplay support, and tons of other additions.

The beta will include six multiplayer modes which are 4v4, 8p FFA, 12p Infection, and 8v8. A select number of Campaign and Spartan Ops missions will be playable as well. However, it hasn’t been announced which ones. Below is the list of new features that will be added. You can read the new community update for more information.

New Features

  • Customization: Updated customization will be available for Halo 4.
  • Forge: Forge will be available for players during this flight.
  • Theater: Theater will be available for Halo 4.
  • Challenges: The complete Challenge System, including the Challenge Hub screen, will be available during this flight with new Challenges for Halo 4.
  • Season 4 Content: Currently TBD based on flight readiness for Ring 3. These pieces require evaluation with both our internal QA and Rings 1 & 2 for if they are ready for flighting prime time.
  • Input Based Matchmaking and Crossplay: Currently TBD based on flight readiness for Ring 3.
  • Server Region Selection: Currently TBD based on flight readiness for Ring 3.
  • Video Graphics Options: Currently TBD based on flight readiness for Ring 3.
  • Disable Text Chat Option: A new feature for players to choose to see specific channels of in-game text chat in this flight.

That’s not all. 343 Industries also plans to add some more content that was previously cut from Halo 4. This includes a cool-looking AKIS Variants Helmet. One more thing that will be added is an armor piece called EXO/TSCS. Both of the items were supposed to launch for Halo: Reach, but developers later decided otherwise. Check out their images below.

Helmet 343 Industries
Armor 343 Industries

Not going to lie, these are some sick cosmetics. I am pretty sure half the lobby will be running around with these once they launch. Halo MCC on PC will finally be complete after Halo 4 launches this year. The next game in the franchise, Halo Infinite, will also be coming to PC in 2021.

So what do you think? Are you interested in any of these cosmetic items? Have you been playing Halo: MCC recently? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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