'Hearthstone' Fool's Bane And Moonglade Portal Coming In 'One Night In Karazhan'

Fool's Bane and Moonshine Portal are definitely....interesting
Fool's Bane and Moonshine Portal are definitely....interesting Blizzard

A new day, more Hearthstone cards from One Night In Karazhan . After yesterday’s Medivh bombshell, Blizzard decided to give us a few cards that are good, but not game changing. Fool’s Bane is a five-mana Warrior 3/4 weapon that can attack as many times a turn as you want but can’t attack heroes. Warriors already have some of the best weapons in the game, with Fiery War Axe being regarded as the best two-drop in all of Hearthstone .

Fool's Bane
Fool's Bane Blizzard

When I first saw Fool’s Bane I just thought it was super gimmicky, a weapon that only works on minions didn’t seem too promising. After some deep thought, I realized that most good players use weapons to trade with minions. Eaglehorn Bow is almost never used to attack a hero directly, unless it’s for lethal damage. Most of the time, weapons are used to clear minions and keep board control. Fool’s Bane can destroy up to four three-health minions before it’s destroyed, and for five mana that’s a steal. Players are going to have to think before they trade though, I’ve seen new Shaman’s take a bit too much damage when using Doomhammer , losing them the game.

Moonglade Portal
Moonglade Portal Blizzard

Next up is Moonglade Portal , a six-mana Druid spell that restores six health and summons a random six-cost minion. The heal is nice, but it’s not why you play this card in your deck. The Portal can either win you the game or destroy any chance you had at seeing your opponent’s portrait explode. Getting value back on this card is entirely random, you could get a clutch Emperor Thaurissan or end up with a little Corrupted Seer. On average, you should at least get a 5/5 out of it.

Druids don’t really have a ton of good six-drops, like Dark Arakkoa and Mech-Bear Cat. Running those cards in your deck might not be a smart idea, but summoning one off a spell that combos with Yogg-Saron isn’t that bad. Moonglade Portal won’t see competitive play, unless there’s another card in this set that increases its value. Hearthstone is a random game, but you still want to limit what crazy shenanigans can happen.

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