With just a few days left before its release, all of the cards for Hearthstone’s Knights Of the Frozen Throne expansion have been revealed. 140 cards are coming, from the memetastic, like Ticking Abomination, all the way to the truly awe-inspiring. Since the reveals started in the middle of July, I’ve been glued to my laptop, meticulously dissecting each card in the set, sorting through the duds to get to the real treasure inside. After some serious soul searching and number crunching, I’ve devised a list of the top cards that are going to influence the meta.
This is still just alchemical theorycrafting, we won’t know which cards are really overpowered until a few weeks after the set officially launches. Fans tend to jump on the bandwagon for any card that seems like it has promise, completely blowing the card’s actual power level out of proportion. This is just a list of some very highly educated guesses from someone who’s spent way too much time with Uther and the gang.

The Lich King- When I first saw this monster on Monday’s reveal stream, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The wielder of Frostmourne who sits on the Frozen throne, who the entire expansion is based around, is getting a card that’s going to be a staple in any deck that can run him. For eight mana, you get an 8/8 with Taunt, which is already really good, on top of a new Death Knight card that can completely change the tide of a game. From raising Deathrattle minions killed by Frostmourne to spells that heal, buff or destroy enemy minions, you can potentially get an out to a tricky situation. It’s a lot like Yogg-Saron , without the potential to kill your own minions or yourself.

Arfus- The Lich King’s adorable mutt might seem like a waste of space in most decks with its 2/2 stats, but those Death Knight cards are nothing to scoff at. The new meta is going to be a lot slower than Journey To Un’Goro, with tons of cards with Deathrattles that activate if killed on your opponent’s turn. You’re going to want this puppy in your deck, especially if you plan on creating a deck with N’zoth and all his tentacle friends.

Ultimate Infestation- This card is absolutely insane, I can’t believe Team 5 is releasing it the way it is. For a whole a 10 mana, which a Druid can get on turn six with two Innervates , you get five armor, deal five damage, summon a 5/5 ghoul and draw five cards. Nourish costs five mana and you have to choose between drawing three cards or getting a couple of Mana crystals. Druids won’t be stacking their decks with this card like Hunters did when Call Of The Wild was eight mana, but there will still be a single copy in every Jade Druid deck from now until it’s rotated out of the meta.

Uther Of The Ebon Blade- Reddit Doomsayers have been claiming that this card will be overpowered, broken, crazy and a Paladin staple once it gets released. Summoning four 2/2 minions and then you win the game? Sounds crazy on paper, but I’m not sure it’s going to be as stupendous as others choose to believe. If you kill just one of those horseman of the Apocalypse, their whole combo is ruined and they add at least another turn just for a chance to win the game. I’m more interested in the 5/3 weapon with Lifesteal that equips when you play edgelord Paladin, trading into strong minions for free sounds great. Control N’Zoth Paladin will be a top tier deck, that much I can say.