'Hearthstone' Nerfs Massive Problem Cards Including Call Of The Wild And Tuskarr Totemic

Call of the Wild costs 9 mana now, yay!
Call of the Wild costs 9 mana now, yay! Blizzard

Hearthstone has been in a difficult state for the last few weeks. Ever since the last expansion, One Night In Karazhan, decks have become stale and the meta game has gotten pretty boring. You either played Aggro Shaman or Dragon Warrior, or you would lose. Ben Brode and his designers have clearly heard our pleas and decided to take action.

Balance patch 6.1.3 is coming out sometime over the next few days and includes balance changes to a lot of cards that were heavily affecting the meta. Rockbiter Weapon, Tuskarr Totemic and Call of the Wild were all cited as some of Hearthstone’s worst offenders and they all got nerfed. This is an amazing change and gives hope for the future of my favorite card game.

Here’s a full list of the changes:

  • Rockbiter Weapon- 1 mana > 2 mana

  • Tuskarr Totemic- Summon a random Totem > Summon a random basic totem

  • Call Of The Wild- 8 mana > 9 mana

  • Execute- 1 mana > 2 mana

  • Charge- 3 mana > 1 mana “Give a friendly minion Charge. It can’t attack heroes this turn.”

  • Abusive Sergeant- 2/1 > 1/1

What’s your favorite nerf and why is it Tuskarr Totemic? Tell us in the comments.

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