'Hearthstone' New Adventure 'One Night In Karazhan' First Look Review

Three of Karazhan's newest cards
Three of Karazhan's newest cards IGN

If you don’t already know, Hearthstone’s latest expansion One Night In Karazhan just got revealed along with seven new cards from the set. There will be 45 cards in total in this set, all based around a party happening at the tower of Karazhan, where Medivh’s ghost loves to throw bashes. The tone of the set is much lighter than Whispers of The Old Gods and features cards based on chess pieces and the big bad wolf.

Here’s my rundown of the seven cards we’ve already seen, in no particular order. If you are looking for a much more in depth analysis, check out Firebat’s review of the set .

Ivory Knight

Mysterious Challenger was the best six-drop in all of Hearthstone and since his removal during the format change, Paladin has had a six-mana minion gap. Ivory Knight is a six-mana 4/4 that Discovers a spell and then heals you for that amount. The chess piece fits perfectly in Control Paladin decks. Whispers Of The Old Gods gave Paladin amazing healing cards like Ragnaros The LightLord and Forbidden Healing.

The healing aspect of Ivory Knight isn’t what makes the card so special – it’s the Discover. Getting a Lay on Hands or Equality at a pivotal point in a game can completely turn it in your favor. It probably won’t be used as much as some of the other revealed cards, but it gives me hope that Control Paladin will see play again.

Kindly Grandmother

Control Hunter has been struggling to move past tier two ever since the release of Whispers Of The Old Gods . Rexar got one of the best cards of the last set, Call Of The Wild , but still hasn’t seen nearly the level success as other Aggro decks. Kindly Grandmother is a two-mana 1/1 that has a Deathrattle that summons a 3/2 Big Bad Wolf. The wolf that gobbled red riding hood gives Hunter a much better early game and completely outclasses other two-drops like King’s Elekk or Poisoned Toad.

Nerubian Egg was an amazing card before the format change and Kindly Grandmother is a better version. Hunter will now be able to actually win the early board against Zoolock. It’s an amazing tempo card that I see this being a staple in every Hunter deck, other than Face Hunter.


Bucky Barnes is busted. When I saw this card, I immediately thought of all the value you can get off this Legendary four-mana 3/4 that summons a 1/1 version of a minion in your deck. That means the card is still in your deck, so you can have two of anything. It’s especially dastardly in N’zoth Paladin that uses a ton of Deathrattle minions. Getting two Tirion Fordrings or Sylvanus’ when you play N’zoth is just dirty.

Barnes is a card that relies heavily on luck, but when it hits, it’s game changing. The fact that is has great stats and an amazing effect will make it a card that shapes a meta like Reno Jackson did.

The Curator

On the surface, The Curator looks like actual garbage. He’s a seven-mana 4/6 with taunt that has a Battlecry that draws one dragon, beast and murloc from your deck. If you can draw at least two cards, this card gains some insane value. I see this angry mech becoming a staple in Freeze Mage, pulling Alexstrasza or Stampeding Kodo on turn seven.

Firelands Portal and Ivory Knight
Firelands Portal and Ivory Knight IGN

The rest are much simpler to explain:

  • Ethereal Peddler- it’s a trash card unless there are more cards in One Night In Karazhan that steal other classes cards.

  • Enchanted Raven- A 2/2 one-mana beast in Druid, it’s a great card that might even make Beast Druid viable.

  • Firelands Portal- Hello value! For seven mana, you deal five damage and summon a random five-cost minion. It’s an amazing card when you are ahead; clearing an enemy minion and summoning one of your own can give you immense board pressure.

What was your favorite card from the reveal? Tell us in the comments!

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