Hearthstone players prepare as it's time to go against the final plague lord and put a stop to the plans of the League of E.V.I.L. The Halls of Origination is the fourth chapter in the Tombs of Terror Adventure and is now officially available.
If you've been following this latest adventure, then you know that we have been exploring a lost city, gone through dunes, and even entered Khartut's tomb.
Indeed, Chapter 1 took us to the Lost City and it was here where players met the first of the Plague Lord of Murlocs. Fortunately, Reno came to help with his hat on and his trusty Gatling Wand always at the ready.
Chapter 2 was all about the Scorching Dunes and the Plague Lord of Madness. This particular Plague Lord affected minions in a way that when the player's turn ends, their very own right most minion attacks a random enemy. This time around it was Sir Finley Mrgglton of the League of Explorers who came in to help.
Chapter 3 had Khartut's Tomb opened and the Plague Lord of Death was freed. As friendly minions died, the tomb slowly unlocked to release a Deathrattle minion. The good news was that Elise the Enlightened was more than ready to go against the Plague Lord of Death. With her arcane and archaic knowledge, Elise was more than ready for the task.
So what's in the story this time for Chapter 4?

Inside the Halls of Origination lies the Plague Lord of Wrath. This Plague Lord infects minions that are foolish enough to enter his halls. What happens is that after taking damage, minions get +1 attack. Players need to use this effect to their advantage but need to be careful not to enrage their enemies too much.
This time around players get to meet the fourth and final of the lost explorers. Brann Bronzebeard has finally joined the rest of the team. Brann arrives just in time to flex his dwarven warrior muscles and does so in his usual flashy manner. Atop his dino-steed, he rides to the Halls of Origination and confronts the Plague Lord of Wrath.

While this may indeed be the last part of the Tombs of Terror, it appears that the League of E.V.I.L. still has something up their sleeves. Defeating the four Plague Lords may not be enough as there may be another challenge waiting.