'Hearthstone' Token Druid Guide: See What The Best Deck In 'One Night In Karazhan' Can Do

Power of the Wild is the most important combo piece.
Power of the Wild is the most important combo piece. Blizzard

Now that all the cards have been released in Hearthstone’s new expansion, One Night In Karazhan , we start to see the meta take shape . Spirit Claws has given Aggro Shaman another deadly tool (like they needed it) and Ironforge Portal has made Warrior an even more consistent deck. Malcheezar’s Imp is bringing Zoolock back from obscurity, allowing Warlocks to get hand and board advantage by discarding cards

But out of all the strange and unique decks popping up with the release of these new cards, Token Druid might be the most powerful. The goal of the deck is to create as powerful a board as quickly as possible. Getting two or three tokens out of a Violet Teacher that then get buffed by Power Of The Wild gives you a crazy strong board. Add a Fandral Staghelm on top of that and your minions will be chopping down anything that stands in their path.

According to Tempo Storm’s “Meta Snapshot,” the deck should be played like this: “For the first few turns, stall with Wrath , Living Roots , and Swipe , while using Wild Growth and Mire Keeper to ramp. After this, use Violet Teacher and Fandral Staghelm in combination with area-of-effect buffs such as Power of the Wild and Soul of the Forest to create a board your opponent cannot deal with.”

Yogg-Saron can Pyroblast your opponent or Frostbolt your own face, it's up to him.
Yogg-Saron can Pyroblast your opponent or Frostbolt your own face, it's up to him. Blizzard

There are two main variants of Token Druid. The first uses the ever unpredictable Yogg-Saron to get an amazingly strong turn. Yogg is a pesky Old God and can either win you the game or lose it, all depending on how it’s feeling. Yogg Druid needs to use as many spells as possible so that when the big tentacle monster comes on the board, it’s outputting some major DPS. If you like the lucky aspect of Hearthstone while still believing skill is an important factor, this decks for you.

The other variant uses Malygos and Moonfire to just screw over your opponent with pure damage. Doing six damage with a zero mana spell is nothing to laugh at. If your opponent thinks they’re safe at 12 life, they better think again. Malygos Druid isn’t a new deck archetype, but ONIK brought it back from the brink of obscurity. It plays very similarly to the Yogg variant, needing to cast spells to summon the card that made Token Druid so good in the first place, Arcane Giant.

Token Druid is all about having big turns, which is why Malagos and Yogg-Saron fit so well. It’s all about having small early game turns, and then popping up a massive board on turns seven through 10. Fandral Staghelm is your best friend and the longer he stays alive, the more extra stuff you can get. Double Discovering on a Raven Idol is just disgustingly good.

Once you learn the basics of Token Druid, like curving out with sticky minions and then popping off a combo, you should be crushing games on the ladder in no time.

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