'Horizon Zero Dawn' Gameplay Incorporates Several Familiar Open World Mechanics

Horizon Zero Dawn
Horizon Zero Dawn Photo: Guerrilla Games

Loads of new information on Horizon Zero Dawn is out this week, thanks to a new cover story in next month’s issue in Game Informer , and it sounds like many of the mechanics we’ve come to expect from open world games will return when Guerrilla makes its first foray in the genre. And it sounds like the studio has some fresh ideas to bring to the table with Horizon Zero Dawn, too.

Warning: Some spoilers below. It's probably best to stop now if you want to limit how much you know about Horizon Zero Dawn before launch.

It’ll be a few more weeks before the next issue of Game Informer hits mailboxes and newsstands around the country. But we don’t have to wait another day for more information about Horizon Zero Dawn, the PS4 exclusive open world game about hunting robo-dinosaurs in the far flung future, thanks to digital copies of the next issue. We’re finally learning more about Aloy, including her relationships with the rest of the villagers in HZD , and even get confirmation the game will include playable segments set during the protagonist’s childhood. And that’s just the start.

According to GI, Horizon Zero Dawn won’t just be set in the lush, overgrown environments we’ve seen so far. The outlet was also shown artic and desert climates, along with robotic creatures that take shelter in water, and the villagers you meet during your travels will be just as varied. Some of the people you meet will be incredibly distrustful of the machines while others believe the robots carry out the will of the gods. We also learned Aloy’s primary quest will be to uncover information on her background, which is cloaked in mystery at the game’s onset, and to discover the identity of her mother. But there will be plenty of other quests in Horizon Zero Dawn, too.

We also got some new information on Aloy’s background. As you may have guessed, based on that bit about her mom, Horizon Zero Dawn’s protagonist is actually an outsider in the Nora Tribe. For reasons she doesn’t know, the entire group treats her differently, shunning her and largely ignoring her very existence. The man we met in previous trailers is Rost, Aloy’s surrogate father and a fellow outside in the Nora. Apparently, Rost was forced to adopt Aloy but the two have what is effectively a father/daughter relationship in Horizon Zero Dawn.

From a gameplay perspective, Horizon Zero Dawn will incorporate a number of well known open world mechanics. For starters, Aloy will manage her relationship with each village individually. The residents of each area will have unique equipment and items to offer the HZD protagonist but will only do so after she’s earned their trust. Game Informer also confirmed Aloy will have access to more substantial armor than the animal pelts we’ve seen in existing footage and screenshots. Players will also have the option to craft their own gear.

The game will include “Corruption Zones”, which sound an awful lot like the Dark Zone in The Division, where players can find particularly tough enemies to hunt. There will also be special missions, called Hunter Trials, which task Aloy with successfully hunting large creatures. Some kills will yield new modifications for her weapons and armor. There will also be three skill trees, Brave, Forager and Prowler, which can be used to further improve Aloy’s abilities.

For another look at Horizon Zero Dawn, take a few minutes to check out the new trailer for Game Informer ’s October cover story and/or revisit the HZD footage published during E3 (embedded up top). Then head down to the comments and let us know what you’re hoping to see in Horizon Zero Dawn when Guerrilla’s first open world game heads to PS4 next year.

Horizon Zero Dawn is in development exclusively for PS4. The game debuts Feb. 28, 2017.

Be sure to check back with iDigitalTimes.com and follow Scott on Twitter for more Horizon Zero Dawn news throughout 2016 and as long as Guerrilla supports Horizon Zero Dawn after launch.

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