Developer RocketWerkz has launched a new patch for ICARUS. The Week 14 content update features farming improvements, including a way to use a water automation system to improve farm crops and yield.
Farming is one of the best things that you can do in ICARUS. It helps provide a self-sustaining food source, especially if you’re in harsher climates. That said, the developers have added a new technology to help you - water piping.
Simply put, water piping helps automate some of the tedious processes of farming. There are three new tiers of crop plots: standard wood, iron, and hydroponic. There’s also an option for you to add water connections to both iron and hydroponic plots for better efficiency and growth rates. Along with this technology, you can install sprinkler systems to help put out fires in your greenhouse caused by natural phenomena or by a careless Prospector.
Aside from that, there is a new farming mission that incorporates all of the aspects introduced in the latest update.

- Added several new talents and changed an existing one based around farming:
- All-Nighter: Crafted crops in crop plots grow faster at night
- Neat and Tidy: Crafted Crop Plots use less fertilizer
- Shoot the Breeze: Grants the recipe to make gunpowder from the fertilizer on the Mortar and Pestle
- Get off my Lawn: Grants the recipe to make the Rusty Shotgun on the Machining Bench
- Speed-Gro: Crafted Crop Plots grow crops faster
- Bumper Crop: Crafted Crop Plots yield more crops
- Sturdy Stalks: Crafted Crops Plots crops spoil slower when harvested
- Gathering Guru: Increased yield from harvesting by hand
- Get Up and Go: Increase to base stamina
- The Old One-Two: Increased melee damage
- Adding crafting speed modifiers to cement mixer, composters, and kitchen bench when connected to a water network
- Added new UI for water connections and crop plots
- Added new wood composter which creates fertilizer from spoiled plants, and speeds up the spoiling of organic items placed in it
- Added new fertilizer assets and mechanics. Fertilizers can be crafted in the composter or chemistry bench and applied to crop plots to increase yield and growth speed
- Added spoiled item variants for all fruit and vegetable types
- Added growth stages and dead stage for Lily crops
- Increased by 100% the amount of time it takes before crops spoil and can no longer be harvested
- Increased waterskin consumption from 15 units to 500 units when watering crops
- Adding new Stat for grown crops which differentiate them from harvested crops
- Added new farming crop plot UI to display modifiers and connection states on deployables including in-world tooltips
- Added the ability to be able to connect a water connection to Cement Mixer, Kitchen Bench, Biofuel Composter, and Electric Composter (not the Wooden Composter)
The full patch notes can be found on ICARUS’ official Steam page.