First seen in the opening credits of Season 1 and last seen on Michael’s gravestone in what we thought would be the series finale, the Prison Break paper crane is the symbol of the show. Michael uses the paper crane to send messages to his friends and its origins actually stem from Lincoln, who used to leave them for his brother when they were younger. While the paper crane wasn’t in the premiere episode, the fact that there’s a crane emoji next to the Prison Break hashtag on Twitter pretty much confirms it’s coming back.

So in celebration of the paper crane and hopes that we’ll see it very soon, we tried to make one ourselves. Let’s just say if Michael’s life depended on iDigi successfully making a paper crane, he would die. Eventually we did make a crane, but it was this easier version we found on YouTube and ours didn't come out like the true Prison Break one. I will give our editor, Mo Mozuch, props for powering through the instructions and ending up with something along the lines of a duck that’s been run over by a bus. But unfortunately, that wouldn’t do us any good because we didn’t really get to the message part.
Check out the three origami crane YouTube videos we tried (and utterly failed) to follow below:
Prison Break airs Tuesdays on Fox at 9 p.m. EST.