Impact Wrestling Slammiversary 2017 Preview: Can The Company Start Over… Again?

It's a new start for Impact Wrestling, formerly known as TNA.
It's a new start for Impact Wrestling, formerly known as TNA. Impact Wrestling

This Sunday's Impact Wrestling Slammiversary pay-per-view is important at many levels. Sunday is the first PPV under the Anthem Sports and Entertainment's ownership of the company. It is also the 15th anniversary of the wrestling promotion. Finally, this may be the last opportunity that Impact Wrestling has to make a first impression to fans who have been turned off by the product's inconsistency and mismanagement.

Slammiversary takes place from Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, and it is a fully loaded card. Can Impact Wrestling get the stench of TNA off the company permanently, or are they destined to fail once again? Let’s look at the entire card for this Sunday’s show by starting with a match that will more than likely disappoint.

DeAngelo Williams and Moose vs. Chris Adonis

Now TNA did this in 2007 with Adam “Pacman” Jones and it was a complete disaster. Jones could not get physical in the ring, so the whole point of the angle was useless. Now ten years later, Impact Wrestling is repeating it, this time with DeAngelo Williams in a tag team match.

Moose has been impressive since coming to Impact Wrestling and Eli Drake is one of the unsung heroes of the company. This match should be a one-on-one encounter between these two, but Impact is hoping that Williams draws some ESPN-like press.

Also, can we please get rid of the Grand Championship? Just a useless title.

Your winners: Williams and Moose

Sonjay Dutt (champion) vs. Low-Ki (2-out-of-3 Falls Match for the X Division Championship)

This title match is a rematch from their match a couple of weeks ago when Dutt won the title in India during Impact’s tour of the country. It has been refreshing to see how Impact Wrestling is almost restarting the X-Division and putting a focus on them instead of the half-ass display they put the division on for years.

With that said, this has to be the last match in the feud. It is time to begin building the division once again, similar to the way Jerry Lynn helped make the original X-Division in 2002-2003 mean something. Either man leaving with the title would be a good move, but I see Low-Ki leaving with the title.

Your winner and new X-Division Champion: Low-Ki

Eddie Edwards and Alisha Edwards vs. Davey Richards (Full Metal Mayhem)

This storyline has dragged and dragged for months, to the point where I stopped caring weeks ago. It was good in the beginning, and they had a bit of history from Ring of Honor, but it has just kept going and going. The only reason I will watch this match is that it is a Full Metal Mayhem match, which is a hardcore match. Other than that, I just don’t care.

Your winners: Eddie and Alisha Edwards

LAX (champions) vs. Drago and El Hijo del Fantasma vs. Naomichi Marufuji and Taiji Ishimori vs. Laredo Kid and Garza Jr. (Four-Way Tag Team Match for the World Tag Team Championship

LAX will defeat whomever they face unless it is the second coming of the Midnight Express. The tag division in Impact Wrestling is horrible right now.

Your winners and still Tag Team Champions: LAX

Jeremy Borash and Joseph Park vs. Josh Matthews and Scott Steiner

Here’s my issue with this match: what’s the point? Borash and Matthews have been feuding since Anthem purchased the company in January and it seems that even after this match, both men will remain as announcers of the show. I am pretty sure there is no stipulation after this match – they will still be there.

The lack of reaction for “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner when he returned was telling. No one cares about an old, puffed up wrestler who could barely move because he is too muscular. Park (a.k.a. Abyss) needed something to do after the departure of Crazzy Steve to the WWE. This will be the match where I go to the bathroom.

Your winners: Borash and Park

Rosemary (Impact Knockouts Champion) vs. Sienna (GFW Women’s Champion) in a title unification match

Can we admit that no one cares that Sienna is the GFW Women’s Champion? GFW is a brand that is best known for a gold pyramid scheme that Jeff Jarrett tried to push. Besides that, this should be a good match as Rosemary has been a pleasant surprise since first becoming the Knockouts champion. She is a lone wolf after the breakup of Decay, but she has handled herself perfectly as a weird, gothic character.

Sienna is still feuding with Allie, which makes this match a side note to the never-ending Allie storyline. Sienna is a good wrestler and has become a great character while with Impact Wrestling so expect a good, hard-hitting match from these two. Sienna will win, and Allie will compete for the title sooner than letter.

Your winner and new Impact Knockouts Champion: Sienna

EC3 vs. James Storm (Strap Match)

This has been the one issue I have had with the new Impact Wrestling. EC3 should be the focal point of the company, but he has been a background player over the last couple of months. Him turning heel was a good move as he is a much better character as a villain than a babyface. After this match, I would assume that he would move into the main event spot with whomever the champion is at the end of the show.

James Storm must feel like crap turning down an offer to go to NXT and staying with TNA/Impact Wrestling. I understand there was more money in TNA, but it just feels like there’s no direction for him in the company. He is just floating through with no point. Good match, but EC3 is bound for bigger and better things...hopefully.

Your winner: EC3

Lashley w/ King Mo (Impact World Champion) vs. Alberto El Patron w/ Dos Caras (GFW Global Champion) in a title unification match

A title unification with one belt being useless (GFW Global Championship). These two had a television match a few months back and it was PPV-quality. I see this match going at least 20 minutes, and with the MMA background of both Lashley and Patron, it could be an interesting hybrid match of MMA and wrestling.

The hope is that the outside folks (King Mo and Caras) do not get involved and have this be a one-on-one match with a conclusion, not a “Dusty Finish” where the result is debatable. I think this could be the match of the night as Lashley has become one of the more underrated wrestlers in the industry and Patron still has some gas left in the tank. The outcome is debatable, but I see Patron winning the title and moving into a feud with EC3.

Your winner and new Impact World Champion: Alberto El Patron

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