JailbreakCon 2014 Is Coming To San Francisco, Will You Be There? Jailbreak Community Members Explain Why They Wouldn't Miss It For The World

@Sureix, developer of the popular jailbreak theme Aeycon, is one of the many fabulous speakers on the JailbreakCon 2014 line up. He shares the reasons he encourages anyone in the community to attend.
@Sureix, developer of the popular jailbreak theme Aeycon, is one of the many fabulous speakers on the JailbreakCon 2014 line up. He shares the reasons he encourages anyone in the community to attend.
WWJC is just weeks away. Will You be there?An iOS 7.1 jailbreak has been made available for iPhones thanks to the Geeksn0w tool. Even though the recently released 7.1 update has yet to be jailbroken by the Evad3rs, the 4th iPhone's A4 chip will be jailbre
WWJC is just weeks away. Will You be there?An iOS 7.1 jailbreak has been made available for iPhones thanks to the Geeksn0w tool. Even though the recently released 7.1 update has yet to be jailbroken by the Evad3rs, the 4th iPhone's A4 chip will be jailbreakable always and forever. As expected an iOS 7.1 jailbreak is available for it, even if it is only tethered. As such you'll have to have the device attached to a computer if you want to restart the device. Though for some running iOS 7.1 on their iPhone, they may find it worth installing the Geeksn0w jailbreak.Follow Us (Photo: Geeksn0w)(Photo: Geeksn0w)A step by step guide in using the Geeksn0w jailbreak tool can be found on Badritek's site. After downloading the Geeksn0w ios 7.1 jailbreak software from Geeksn0w.it, the process to iOS freedom is fairly straight forward. We should preface however by saying this tool is only available for Windows PCs. If you're on Mac, Linux or some other crazy operating system, Geeksn0w likely will not play nice. Though if you meet the requirements and want to jailbreak your iPhone 4 device:How To Install The iOS 7.1 Jailbreak For iPhone 41) Install the Geeksn0w tool with the .exe file you downloaded (Windows only at the moment, sorry Mac folk). If you're not on an administrator account, right click the file and hit "Run As Administrator"

While JailbreakCon 2014 is less that 3 weeks away, and while many have already purchased tickets and booked reservations for the two-day event, still, there are some in the community who are on the fence about attending. Should they make the long (or not so long) journey to sunny San Francisco, California?

When and where is JailbreakCon 2014? Why should I attend?

JailbreakCon is an annual event which draws jailbreak lovers from around the globe to meet, mingle, munch goodies and ultimately leave motivated to build the community further. While this year's fabulous speaker line up and incredibly affordable ticket pricing should be enough to lure most, many may be wondering, "What can I expect to get out of attending JailbreakCon?"

This year will be my first time attending the event, and while I'm literally busting with anticipation over putting flesh and bones to the internet personas I have communicated with for nearly two years now, I can't personally attest to what an incredible event JailbreakCon is. For that reason, I've called on a variety of jailbreak community members who have attended JailbreakCon in years past to explain why they love the event so much, and why they wouldn't miss it for the world. The individuals I've selected range from tweak and theme developers, core community members and just everyday Joes like me who have found ourselves embedded in the community, united via our love for Apple devices and the ability jailbreaking provides to fully "own" and "control" those devices. Without further ado, here are the voices of JailbreakCon past, sharing with you why you should attend this year's event taking place Saturday and Sunday April 12-13, 2014 at the South San Francisco conference center in California.

Why I love JailbreakCon: Voices of the community speak out

"It's a once in a lifetime experience I feel. When you're at WWJC, you're surrounded by people like yourself who share the same interest and can talk for hours about things. A place to truly geek out!" -Thientam Bach (@Surenix)

About @Surenix

Surenix is a long time Jailbreak Developer and creator of the popular iOS 6 and 7 jailbreak theme for iPhone and iPad, Ayecon, as well as tweaks such as Ayra for iOS 6. Surenix is one of several fantastic presenters who will be providing a talk and workshop while at JailbreakCon 2014. On workshop day he'll be teaching themeing for aspiring theme developers, while his lecture day talk will be on how he started into development, what it's like to work with developers and the importance of design.


"When you're learning a new language, the best way to get fluent in it is 'immersion' - to move to a country where that language is spoken, and to surround yourself in it. JailbreakCon is immersion for learning more about jailbreaking, for jailbreakers of all levels of experience, in a really exciting and friendly way. It's two days where you're around all kinds of cool people talking about customizing their lockscreens, developing extensions, or fixing some weird safe mode problem. You also listen to talks of course, but the best parts are often just getting to have real-life conversations with people you've talked to online, or with new people you've just met. I'm hoping the workshops will inspire people to keep learning throughout the rest of the year, and it's also just fun to talk to people who know what you mean when you say 'SHSH blobs'." - Britta G. AKA @brittagus Jailbreak community member and assistant to Jay Freeman aka @Saurik

Britta Gustafsen is a vital member of the jailbreak community and a regular speaker at JailbreakCon
Britta Gustafsen is a vital member of the jailbreak community and a regular speaker at JailbreakCon

About Britta G.

Britta is a vital part of the jailbreak community, working as an assistant to Jay Freeman. Much of the work she does may go unnoticed, but she is nonetheless incredibly important to the life and growth of the jailbreak community. In her capacity as assistant, Britta moderates the JailbreakQA and /r/jailbreak. She also writes documentation in Cydia and on iPhoneDevWiki/TheiPhoneWiki/etc., tests software, help on IRC, and much more. Britta is a kind and open person, willing to answer anyone with questions in the Jailbreak community and direct them to resources where they can build their knowledge.


"Jailbreak is an incredible opportunity to meet many really smart and cool people. The relationships I built and the things I learned at JailbreakCon 2012 I will never take for granted. This year's lineup of speakers and workshops, plus all the attendees will make this event an experience you won't want to miss. See you there!" - Joshua Tucker, jailbreak tweak developer.

Joshua Tucker is a developer of a number of popular jailbreak tweaks including CallBar and Anstergo. Joshua will be a featured speaker at JailbreakCon 2014.
Joshua Tucker is a developer of a number of popular jailbreak tweaks including CallBar and Anstergo. Joshua will be a featured speaker at JailbreakCon 2014.

About Joshua Tucker (@joshuamtucker)

Joshua Tucker is a core member of the jailbreak community, having designed a number of popular jailbreak tweaks like Abstergo, CallBar, Emblem, Crescent and more. In addition to his role in the jailbreak community, Joshua works on outside projects in UX/UI design. He is a college student, studying business and has worked as writer and editor for @ModMyi and@Engadget, respectively. Joshua is another positive and energetic personality in the community who is always willing to help and share with those interested in learning more about the community. He will be one of the featured speakers at JailbreakCon 2014.


"JailbreakCon is more than just a weekend in San Francisco. It's an experience, a moment to finally reach out and learn from people they you'd never encounter otherwise. Last year, in New York City, it was astonishing to have conversations with Jay Freeman, Ryan Petrich, and my own friends from Hashbang, both about jailbreaking, and about ordinary things. With Ryan and Max (Relay developer) I fixed so many tiny bugs in my upcoming projects, but most of the time it was far more interesting to talk about theories, jokes, and my Obsidian Menu Bar. It was an utterly humanizing event, and spurred me to keep creating more, and pursue my programming interests. I'd say that's a huge reason why I do what I do today, and don't have any plans to stop soon. JailbreakCon is a warm, peaceful, helpful place, in the great big torrent that is our jailbreak community. And, you'd be insane not to want to meet me, right? :P" - Julian Weiss (@insanj), iOS Jailbreak tweak developer.

Julian Weiss is an up and coming tweak developer in the iOS 7 jailbreak community and will be doing a presentation at JailbreakCon 2014
Julian Weiss is an up and coming tweak developer in the iOS 7 jailbreak community and will be doing a presentation at JailbreakCon 2014

About Julian Weiss

@insanj is one of the young, new faces of the jailbreak scene who's probably best known for the mad number of tweaks he likes to push out and his enthusiasm for the community. @insanj will be one of the several speakers presenting on lecture day.


"The best part of WWJC 2013 was putting faces to the names and meeting those that made all this possible. If this year weren't in the middle of my exams I would come again this year!" - Jack Willis (@J_W97)

Jack Willis (pictured second from the left) is a talented jailbreak tweak developer and co-founder of @a3tweaks, the team responsible for Auxo, AltKeyboard and other fabulous tweaks for iOS 6 and 7
Jack Willis (pictured second from the left) is a talented jailbreak tweak developer and co-founder of @a3tweaks, the team responsible for Auxo, AltKeyboard and other fabulous tweaks for iOS 6 and 7

About Jack Willis

Jack Willis is another incredibly talented young person amazing the jailbreak community with his ability to bring to life the imaginations of many popular jailbreak tweak developers with his programming skills. Jack is a co-founder of the fabulous team @a3tweaks that has produced a number of incredibly popular tweaks like Auxo, Polis, Asphaelia, Flip Switch and many more. Jack is one person I'm sad to know won't be attending this year. Be sure to follow him and @a3tweaks on Twitter for some of the best tweaks to release on Cydia each year.


WWJC ...The one time a year where we come out from behind the screen to see the real life faces of the people behind the jailbreaks that are used by over 5 million people across the world as well as the developers/designers behind our favorite tweaks/apps that are the reason we jailbreak our devices in the first place! To make them our own. To have control over our device. To jump outside of the small box that Apple tries to trap the user inside.

This event is a great opportunity to question these mentors, whereas throughout the year, these developers, researchers, and designers can be so busy working it can be hard for an average user to get contact directly with them.

Have an idea for a tweak/app but lack the full skillset to execute? This is the place to have a voice and be heard. It's a rare opportunity to put a face with an online handle and have meaningful/insightful conversation. There is so much to learn at this event come ready to soak up all of the knowledge you can.

My first WWJC experience was sitting in the back of the conference room watching and listening intently to each speaker and being intrigued by the work that goes into this community. As an introvert myself I took in everything around me. From explanations of how different tweaks were developed to creativity flowing between developers sharing new ideas.

@Shnaki is an avid fan of Jailbreking and faithfully attends JailbreakCon each year, armed with goodies for attendees
@Shnaki is an avid fan of Jailbreking and faithfully attends JailbreakCon each year, armed with goodies for attendees
@Shnakl is an avid fan of Jailbreaking and faithfully attends JailbreakCon each year, armed with goodies for attendees

About Shannon

@Shznakl is a familiar handle to many in the Jailbreak community as in the past she has been known for the sumptuous treats she brings with her to JailbreakCon for attendees to gobble up. As time has gone by, however, @Shznakl has made an effort to contribute more heavily to the community by becoming a kind of project manager for the OpenJailbreak community, helping founder Joshua Hill (@p0sixninja) to keep things up and running smoothly. Her first JailbreakCon she was somewhat coerced into attending, but fell in love with the community while there and has faithfully attended every year since. If you show up at JailbreakCon, definitely seek @Shznakl and her sweets out!

Anyone who's ever attended Jailbreakcon knows @Shnaki's sweet treats can't be beat!
Anyone who's ever attended Jailbreakcon knows @Shnaki's sweet treats can't be beat!

Do you plan to Attend JailbreakCon 2014? Have you participated in the past? Shere with us your experiences in the comment section below.


Cammy Harbison

Writer/Reporter For iDigitalTimes

For More OSX, iOS, Jailbreak And Infosec News

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