The Largest Playable Minion is Coming in 'Hearthstone: Whispers of the Old Gods'

30/30 is no joke
30/30 is no joke Game Informer

Move over Thaddius and V-07-tr-0n, there’s a new super minion coming to the field. Game Informer has revealed the next Hearthstone: Whispers of the Old Gods card, and it opens up a whole chest of weird deck building options. Blood of the Ancient One is a nine mana 9/9 that can summon an Ancient One if two Bloods are controlled by you. The Ancient One is the largest playable minion in the game, sitting at 30/30. No other card even comes close.

Bloody hell
Bloody hell Game Informer

The playability and usefulness of Blood of the Ancient One is debatable. There are just so many cards that shut it down, the most efficient being Big Game Hunter . Supposedly BGH is one of the Basic set cards getting nerfed when the format changes, which would make the Blood a slightly more useable card. There’s still Aldor Peacekeeper, Polymorph and Humility, just to name a few of the cards that would turn your Ancient One into 18 mana garbage.

I don’t see Blood of the Ancient One being used competitively, but you can definitely make some fun gimmick decks with it. An Alarm-O-Bot bringing out a nine mana monster would definitely turn some heads. Throw in a few Faceless Manipulators and you’ve got yourself one hell of a fun time. Blizzard tweeted that if one of the Bloods gets silenced, the other one’s effect will still work and they will merge. Keep that in mind when using Faceless Manipulator : if both are silenced you don’t get the monster.

I vant to suck your blood!
I vant to suck your blood! Lifecoach

Lifecoach also gave us his card last night, called Blood Warriors. It’s a three mana warrior spell that adds a copy of each friendly damaged minion to your hand. Lifecoach is one of the best players in the world, and his video tells you why this card isn’t very good. Battle Rage is one mana less, thins out your deck and gives you one extra card if you have a damaged hero. It’s just a waste; you’d much rather draw into something new and useful than whatever is already on the board. If Grommash Hellscream hasn’t been played yet, I’d much rather have the chance of drawing him than any number of Grim Patrons .

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