The Last Haven is a game about managing your own settlement and surviving in a world destroyed by nuclear war. It is developed and published by Thunder Devs, which released Update 1.10.3 recently. The latest update has added a lot of new things, including new locations for random battles and a revamped minimap.
New Content
A new strategic game mode is introduced that can be enabled on the global map. In its current state, the things that you can do are limited to just attacking an enemy and its bases, as well as capturing entire provinces. The developers promised new activities soon though, such as the ability to extract rare resources and create fort posts.
In addition, you have nine new locations for random battles on the global map to choose from and a newly improved interface. Expect new icons, a revamped minimap, an improved weapons guidance system, and a better heads-up display (HUD).
For bug fixes, selecting units on the battlefield has been fixed. You will no longer run into issues where one unit cannot be selected for whatever reason. The AI in the game has been improved as well, making the units on the battlefield more adaptable than before.
Because of the many additions and changes in the latest update, old saves games are no longer supported.

Patch Notes
- Strategic game mode on the global map (You can attack the enemy, attack its bases, capture entire provinces, soon you will be able to create fort-posts, extract rare resources, create logistics, and more!)
- 9 new locations for random battles (battles on the global map)
- New civilian transport, armored vehicle
- New building "Headquarters"
- New building "Repair and service point" (for the repair and production of vehicles)
- New research tree (vehicle production)
- New minimap, fix HUD
- New transport (SUVs, armored personnel carriers)
- Customization of the player's faction (flag, army uniform, police uniform, faction name)
- Formation and delivery of supplies for the player's mobile units (through the "Headquarters" building)
- Fixed some bugs at the location "City"
- Improved interface (added icons)
- Fixed many small bugs (in AI behavior, visual errors, etc.)
- Fixed selection of units
- Ability to install a machine gun turret on an armored personnel carrier
- Improved weapon guidance system (stationary guns)
- Note: Due to the number of changes, all old saved games are not supported.
The Last Haven Update 1.10.3 is now available on PC.