League Of Legends ARURF Tier List: Which Champion Is Best?

  • PC
  • Strategy
All hail Santa Urf!
All hail Santa Urf! Riot Games

It’s the most wonderful time of year: League Of Legends has brought back its all-random Ultra Rapid Fire mode, known as ARURF. The most requested game mode out of the whole cycle, players love using their favorite champions with low cooldowns, unlimited mana and a taste for revenge. Unlike regular URF mode, which can get a little cheesy since players just pick the best champions that passed through the ban phase, ARURF forces players on random champions with only two rerolls. This time around, the champion pool has thinned out quite a bit, with only champions with snow-themed skins allowed to compete. Here’s the full list of who’s playable in ARURF:

Every champion and skin at your disposal
Every champion and skin at your disposal Surrender@20

Like every mode, there are a few clunker champions that won’t really help you out. Anivia is fine, especially with an ultimate that costs no mana, but bruisers and mages that don’t really require aim poop on her, unless you’re a skill shot god. The best champions in the mode are not that different from regular League, if you’re strong on the Rift, you only get stronger with more attack speed and damage.

ARURF is still a relatively new game mode, and there’s no way to accurately measure each champion’s power level. But after playing a few games, I can say without a doubt that these are the best. If you get Woad Scout Quinn or Snow Day Ziggs, I hope you still haven’t wasted your champion rerolls.

Warwick- This werewolf with a grudge is an absolute monster in ARURF. His ultimate is on such a short cooldown, the attack speed buff allows him to heal forever and throwing snowballs are a map-wide gap closer. I’ve seen Warwicks with little problem, 1v5 an entire team just by swiping everything in sight. Just build straight Attack Damage with a Spirit Visage for style points, and you should be owning the game without any problem. I hope to never see this guy again, but I know everytime I sleep, he’ll be haunting my nightmares.

Ezreal- Surprising nobody, Ezreal is still a really good champion. With the Preseason Mastery changes bestowing Kleptomancy on Runeterra’s strangest explorer, he’s become a staple of nearly every game of League Of Legends on Summoner’s Rift. His only weakness was his reliance on mana and weakness in the early game, both of which aren’t really a problem in ARURF. With half a brain, you’ll be spamming Arcane Shots and giant magical bananas across the field every few seconds. With a smart front line tank that can peel for your squishy ass, you’ll be scoring pentakills in no time.

Fizz- Jump off the pole, jump on the pole, repeat ad infinitum. When your a slippery fish boy, there’s no way anyone can touch you. Assassins are extremely powerful in ARURF, with Fizz being at the top of my list. He’s going to wait in your jungle, dashing on you with a snowball and murdering your champion before you even get a chance to say “gg.” Though I’m crappy on Fizz, in ARURF I was able to pull off a few awesome combos that almost made me brave enough to bring him to ranked.

Gnar- His beast mode comes up sooner, can spam boomerangs like a caveman and can bounce on everything. Gnar might be the best tank in ARURF, followed closely by Maokai and Malphite.

Just because you’ve got these champions, doesn’t mean the win is guaranteed. This is a fun mode where anything is possible, don’t go crazy over an “L.”

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