'League of Legends' Patch 6.12: ARAM Update And Why Are They Buffing Corki?

Patch Notes 6.12
Patch Notes 6.12 Riot

League of Legends Patch 6.12 is coming out tomorrow with tweaks to a few champions, items and the first real changes to ARAM since they made healers less effective on the Howling Abyss. LOL is still recovering from the mid-season mage update, and this patch is all about smoothing out the fine edges and letting champions “ stuck in the middle shine through.

/Remake is coming in this patch, the most exciting feature for ranked addicts like me. If a teammate fails to connect or is flagged AFK for at least 90 seconds at the three-minute mark, one team can start a vote and choose to remake the game. The game will count as never happening, except for the guy who left who gets flagged by Leaverbuster. Keep in mind that if anyone on the map dies within those three minutes, the game can’t be remade. Also, sorry good players, Diamond V and up games cannot be remade.


  • Not too long ago, Corki was the king of the middle lane. After some nerfs and key item changes he lost a lot of his power, demoting him to rarely played status. Riot loves this little yordle, so their decreasing the cooldown on his Valkyrie (six seconds at rank one!!) and increasing the damage on his Gatling gun. They have to buff Corki before Worlds, it’s a tradition.

  • Syndra is the definition of a “middle of the pack” champion. She’s not as terrible a control mage as Galio, but not nearly as useful as Azir. Riot’s giving her balls a little more power, increasing the ratio on Force of Will and Scatter the weak by .1 AP. She still won’t be as good as the king of Shurima, but now we have a better chance of Bjergsen bringing her out on stage again.

  • Xhin Zhao has been struggling to find an identity without the Devourer jungle enchantment. He’s usually dead before he gets the chance to deal some damage and Riot wants to fix that. They are increasing his base health and his health per level by a bit, so hopefully he can survive team fights long enough to stab enough people.

  • Fizz and Ekko are the two best top laners in League of Legends . Riot nerfed tank Ekko last patch, so now it’s time for Fizz to get the nerf bat to the face. Seastone Trident deals two percent less damage at max rank and Playful Trickster has a two second longer cooldown. The slippery fish’s hit box is also getting increased, so now he’s the size of Teemo.

  • Shaco got a quality of life buff, this may be the end of our beloved game. Backstab now shows the bonus damage when you stab enemies in the back.

  • Have trouble following Zed as he’s dashing around the map? Now his shadows’ range indicators can be seen by everyone.


  • Infinity Edge and Essence Reaver are getting five AD, got it?

  • Mortal Reminder and Lord Dominick’s Regards are getting 10 AD, why not?

  • Youmuu's Ghostblade is losing five AD and Bilgewater Cutlass costs 150 less gold; Riot’s just messing around with numbers at this point.

  • Catalyst the Protector and all the items that spawn from it, convert less mana into health. Right now champions like Swain are dominating the scene because the new ROA heals them too much.


  • Grasp Of The Undying has been the go to Mastery for top laners wanting to trade but never die. Riot’s taking away one percent of its healing and instead increasing the damage you do by .5 percent of your max health. Top laners might actually have to trade smarter once 6.12 kicks in.

  • Abilities only give one Fervor of Battle stack, instead of giving two. Ezreal is getting another ninja nerf.

  • Double Edged Sword now works just as effectively on ranged champions. Guys, don’t forget to take this on your mastery pages, it’s going to be amazing once the patch goes live.

  • Natural talent gives more AP and AD early, but has less scaling. This is to combat the rise of Spell Vamp champs that have been dominating the meta (I’m looking at you Vlad).

  • Veteran’s Scars gives one more HP per rank. I’ll never complain about more stats.


  • Stacking champions now get double bonuses while playing in the winter wonderland. Nasus, Veigar, Thresh and Bard all get more chimes, souls and stacks on ARAM.

  • Summoner Spell Cooldowns are lowered by 40 percent. ARAM sounds more fun already.

  • For the first five minutes of the game, leaving the fountain grants 50 percent movement speed for ten seconds. Summoner's Rift got Homeguards, ARAM has Homestart.

  • You need less experience to hit level 18, but kills grant less XP.

  • Gangplank must have written these notes, because there’s more gold in ARAM! Ambient gold, gold from kills and and minions is all going up, though minions gold rewards no longer increase over time.

  • There’s a larger space between the center brushes, health packs give more mana but respawn less and all the Doran items have been removed from the map (along with a few others nobody ever bought anyway.)

  • To replace those items, we got Guardian’s Horn, Guardian’s Hammer and Guardian’s Orb. These all grant more stats than their Doran counterparts but cost 950 gold.

  • When a tower gets killed, everyone on the team gets another Poro-snax.

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