'League of Legends' Patch 6.15: Getting Ready For Worlds

League of Legends Patch 6.15
League of Legends Patch 6.15 Riot

League of Legends Patch 6.15 drops today and it’s got a lot going on under the hood. The experimental changes Riot cooked up to get rid of lane swaps are now live. For a full recap of these changes click here , but here’s the tl:dr: killing the first turret in the game now gives extra gold, outer turrets hit harder and siege minions now spawn one line at a time.

Here’s a rundown of everything else you need to know in the patch notes:


  • Shocking nobody, Riot is giving Corki some love before Worlds. He’s been buffed every year why stop now? The cooldown on Hextech Munitions has been lowered by 60 seconds allowing the yordle in a helicopter to drop his package even sooner.

  • Jarvan IV has three to five more attack speed, depending on his rank, from Demacian Standard.

  • Kassadin’s Null Sphere does more damage and his Force Pulse costs less mana.

  • Renekton gains more damage from Dominus and automatically gains 20 fury when it’s popped.

  • Shyvana gains more fury so that she can transform into a dragon more quickly.

  • Vayne’s Tumble now deals bonus damage to turrets.

  • Zyra dominated the bottom lane in Patch 6.13, but then Riot nerfed her damage and consistency. Riot realized they may have been a bit too harsh and are giving her 20 more damage on Deadly Spines and increased its ratio by .5 percent.


  • Riot really has no idea how to balance Nidalee . After reworking her, nerfing her, buffing her, then nerfing her again, she’s back in the patch notes with a bunch of changes. Her Javelins and Pounces deal more base damage at early ranks and less at later ranks. The jungle queen can no longer autoattack reset when she changes forms don’t let these buffs confuse you though, her jungle clear and early game damage still makes her an S-tier jungler.

  • Braum is losing 14 damage on his passive at level one, but gains it back by the time he hits 18 and his Winter's Bite lost 10 damage. Like Nidalee, Braum isn’t going anywhere and will continue to be the best tank support any ADC could ask for.

  • Karma has been the best support for a few patches now, so Riot has decided to nerf her. Her Inspire absorbs for 10 less damage and her Mantra Shield’s speed scales with ranking, starting at 40 percent.

  • The only centaur on Summoner’s Rift lost some serious firepower today. Hecarim has three less base AD and Rampage deals 10 less damage.

  • Shen has slightly less health regen, no big deal.

  • My favorite champion, Sona, has just been a little too good since her rework. Aria of Perseverance heals for 10 fewer health and Song of Celerity gives three percent less movement speed.

  • Taliyah’s Weavers Wall has a 20 second longer cooldown at rank one.

  • Malzahar takes much longer for his shield passive to come back and he’s now only immune for .25 seconds (down from one second).

  • Ardent Censor and Mikael's Crucible no longer have stacking passives.
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