'League of Legends' Patch 6.16: Let's Play Some Kled

Patch 6.16
Patch 6.16 Riot

Patch 6.16 in League Of Legends comes out today. If you were expecting some massive changes, you’re in the wrong place. Riot is trying to figure out what still needs fixing before Worlds, so this patch is super tiny. Alongside some necessary tweaks, Kled is finally getting added to the game. This yordle on a lizard should bring top laners to their knees, bowing at his adorable Noxian might.

Here are all of the changes in Patch 6.16:


  • Irelia gains tenacity in her passive differently. Instead of counting every enemy nearby, it counts every enemy compared to the amount of allies nearby. If you have more allies within 1000 meters than enemies, you gain no tenacity, but if you are outnumbered, you can gain up to 40 percent at level 16. Better nerf Irelia !

  • Lulu has always been a difficult champion to balance and Riot realized they might have slapped her a bit too hard with the nerf hammer in Patch 6.13. Whimsy has a two second shorter cooldown at rank one and grants 10 percent more bonus attack speed at all ranks.

  • Nautilus’ Depth Charge stuns all enemies hit by the line for one to two seconds, depending on the abilities’ rank. It also knocks enemies up for one second, instead of .5 seconds.


  • Viktor is still the best well-rounded mid lane mage in League of Legends , in part due to his ultimate’s range and damage. Riot is nerfing Chaos Storm’s max speed by 50, but compensating with 30 more minimum speed. The speed starts decaying 50 units closer to Viktor as well. These are changes you won’t notice unless you are a Viktor main or Bjergsen.

  • Sona is still a little bit too strong, so she’s losing three percent movement speed on herself when shes uses Song of Celerity and a .2 lower AP ratio on speed for allies. Crescendo gives less Cooldown Reduction at early ranks, but rank three stays the same.

Do you think Patch 6.16 is a good one, or did Riot miss some key changes? Tell us in the comments!

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