'League of Legends Patch 6.5: Goodbye Kog'maw

Another patch closer until URF
Another patch closer until URF Riot

League of Legends Patch 6.5 drops tomorrow , bringing with it a bunch of minor tweaks. Good news: people who start a new account will need half the previous experience needed to hit level 30. Bad news: so many new and awful people will be in your ranked games. Clubs provide new chat rooms for up to 50 players who want to show that they belong to their own group. Unique tags showing the acronym for the club appear in front of your username in and out of game, which will allow for some pretty messy name combinations.

Riot decided to give some love to a bunch of old champions that have been struggling in the meta. Jarvan IV, who used to be a top-tier jungler until he was nerfed to the ground, has a lower cooldown on his Golden Aegis and Cataclysm now does AOE damage. Expect J4 to be a heavy hitter in your games and ban accordingly. Also Hecarim got a boost to his Devastating Charge and Gnar got some AD, both changes I don’t see affecting too much.

The weirdest quality of life change was to Urgot and his Hyper-Kinetic Position Reverser. It now fears enemies next to Urgot’s new position. The ability is now a viable engage tool instead of the gimmicky suppression it was before. I think this is the buff Urgot needed and I look forward to bringing Crabgot back onto the Rift.

The biggest problem last patch had to be Kog’maw. The little machine gun monster was doing too much damage too quickly. He would just stand still and kill anyone stupid enough to walk into his range, so Riot removed the passive attack speed from his kit. This should make him into a normal hyper carry, instead of the instant ban he’s been since Patch 6.2.

Soraka got (another) mini rework that changed how her heals work. Now, Starcall automatically slows and gives her a buff called Rejuvenation that heals her. Astral Infusion’s base heal was lowered, but now if she uses it while she has Rejuvenation on, she gives the buff to whoever she healed. Riot is trying to find ways to keep her viable but not over power her, which isn’t easy for a champion whose only job is to keep champions from dying.

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