'League Of Legends' Ranked Season Ending: Guides And Tips To Grind Some ELO

All hail the lord of ELO
All hail the lord of ELO Riot

Riot has announced that League of Legends season six will end Nov. 7 , so now everyone is grinding ELO. Like every year since season one, players who get at least Gold receive a Victorious skin, this time for League’s saddest tree man, Maokai.

This year, Riot is also giving everyone above Silver an invite and friend request flair, so everyone knows that you were Gold V and proud. For those lucky enough to hit Challenger, Riot is planning to give out some physical rewards, though exactly what those rewards are remains unclear.

If you haven’t hit the rank you wanted yet and plan to grind games for the next few weeks, good luck. Everyone has the same idea as you, and they’ve already lost five games in a row with a Nunu support, so they are titled beyond belief.

Playing ranked League of Legends at the end of a season is a lot like climbing up a mountain with constant mudslides. Sure, you might be able to ascend for a little bit, maybe end up in Silver II, but eventually a giant tidal wave of toxicity and mud will fly into your face and you will be right where you started. Still, if you want Gold enough and remain calm amid all the toxicity, anything’s possible.

To give you a leg up in your ranked games this month, I’ve written some great guides to give even the biggest noob a fighting chance.

  • 'League of Legends': How To Gain ELO in Silver

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