League Of Legends Reworking IP, Runes For Preseason

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  • Strategy
Evelynn, reworked and ready.
Evelynn, reworked and ready. Riot Games

League Of Legends just dropped a new blog, updating player’s on what’s going to happen in the preseason. IP is being discontinued, being replaced by blue essence, and Runes are being entirely reworked. It might seem overwhelming at first, but Player.One is going to break down what’s changing in Riot Games’ MOBA on Nov. 8.

Runes And Masteries

Riot is throwing out the Masteries and Rune system that’s been in place since League Of Legends first started. Runes are now the only thing that can be changed before the start of the game and give game-changing buffs. There are five different categories: Precision, Domination, Sorcery, Resolve and Inspiration. You pick two greater and two regular runes for whatever line you pick, which drastically simplifies the previous system. No longer will new players be stuck in unwinnable lanes because they forgot to pick Ability Power Quintessences when they were playing Master Yi.

For example, if you pick the Sorcery line, you can summon a small spirit, attack with a comet or gain a large movement speed buff. Depending on which champion you use and your play style, these buffs can affect your game substantially. Riot has been kind enough to give players a tool that allows them to test out the system for themselves and see what masteries they are going to be playing with.

Level Cap Removed

League Of Legends is also removing account level caps, something they should have done years ago. Accounts won’t be perpetually stuck at level 30, the cap has been indefinitely expanded. Instead of getting IP, which has been replaced with Blue Essence, players get experience towards leveling up. Like Overwatch and it’s Loot Boxes, League players will get a special chest after gaining a level that automatically opens, filled with champion shards and Blue Essence. After reaching certain milestones, players will also receive icons and special emotes.

IP Revamped

Influence Points, the only way I’ve been able to afford champions in League Of Legends, are going the way of the dodo. All of your IP will transform into BE once the update hits, alongside every Rune and Rune Page you bought before 2017. Here’s the breakdown on what you’ll be getting:

Tier 3 marks, seals, glyphs- 100 blue essence each
Tier 3 quints- 300 blue essence each
Rune pages purchased with IP- 1500 blue essence each
Rune pages purchased with RP- one epic skin per four pages

For a limited time, once the update hits, League Of Legends will have a BE store selling tons of awesome cosmetics. Gemstones, icons, chromas, mystery boxes will all be available, alongside the most coveted skin in the entire game, Urfwick. This is the first time since the skin’s original April Fools release more than seven years ago that players will be able to get it, and I couldn’t be more excited. I’ve waited years for Riot Games to open their giant vault and give a little love to those fans who weren’t there in the beginning. Now, all they have to do is re-release UFO Corki and my collection can finally be complete.

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