'League of Legends' World Championship 2016: Zedd's Song Sucks, Use JonTron's Instead

Pretty girls, League and Jontron, what more do you need?
Pretty girls, League and Jontron, what more do you need? YouTube

I’m sure I’m not the only who was disappointed with this year’s League of Legends World Championship song. Zedd’s “Ignite” was a generic EDM anthem that could only inspire a 12-year old hopped up on Red Bull and teenage angst. For the rest of us, we are stuck remembering year’s past or accepting the electronic fart mash that should have been called Smite.

“Warriors’ by Imagine Dragons and “Worlds Collide” by Nicki Taylor , the last two World Championship songs, were head bangers that got me pumped to play League . I know Riot wants to show off their brand new bundle of cash by contracting one of the largest musical producers currently working, but it just doesn't work. Fans love League of Legends songs because they can be anything. I still listen to the the entirety of the “Pentakill” at least once a week, which is a heavy metal album and I despise loud music.

I propose a new song to hype up the League of Legends World Championship. Back in 2011, JonTron made a YouTube video called “ The Leagüe and I,” a spoof on Lady Gaga’s “You and I.” The references might be a bit old (who plays Commando skins anymore) but it’s still hilarious. Who hasn’t been chopped down by an angry Tryndamere or a spiteful Shaco? It just captures League’s essence of frustration and reward, something Zedd’s song couldn’t even dream of doing.

After five years, the video was taken down from JonTron’s main channel, but the internet never forgets. It’s a much better song than “Ignite” and actually makes me want to play the game. Riot, play “The Leagüe and I” at Madison Square Garden during the Finals. You won’t regret it and your fans won’t forget it.


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