‘Legends of Tomorrow’ Season 2: Damien Darhk, Reverse-Flash Are Legends & JSA’s Problem Now [SPOILERS]

First look at team JSA in 'Legends' Season 2.
First look at team JSA in 'Legends' Season 2. The CW

Damien Darhk and Reverse-Flash are no longer problems for Green Arrow and The Flash. The two villains have moved over to Legends territory. When the team goes back to 1942 to save New York from an atomic bomb, they find Damien Darhk and Reverse-Flash are working with the Nazi’s to destroy the country.

White Canary went head to head with Damien Darhk but couldn’t take him down before he was able to launch the bomb. Rip Hunter made the executive decision to scatter the Legends throughout time to save them, leaving the Waverider to absorb the bomb’s energy. Mick Rory couldn’t survive the ‘time scatter’ so Rip put him in stasis.

That all happened 6 months ago. The Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 premiere takes place 6 months after the Season 1 finale so the Legends had already saved New York before Nate Heywood contacted Oliver to investigate why the Legends had been screwing around with time. After some convincing, Oliver agreed to help find them. Nate and Ollie found the Waverider in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. They found Mick aboard the ship alone and told them what happened.

Oliver leaves Nate aboard the Waverider with Mick. They find Atom, Firestorm and White Canary, but Nate suggests going back in time once more so Albert Einstein’s wife can get recognition for all the times she helped her husband. But Justice Society of America stops them in their tracks -- Stargirl, Obsidian, Dr. Mid-Nite, Commander Steel, and Hourman -- and they don’t seem too happy.

It appears JSA wants the Legends to back off and stay out of their missions, but the Legends tend to break the rules. If Damien Darhk and Reverse-Flash are around, that probably means we’ll be seeing Captain Cold and Malcolm Merlyn sometime soon. All four villains are expected to team up together and form the Legion of Doom this season.

It can’t be a coincidence Eobard Thawne just zoomed over to Damien Darhk. Since he appeared only the second time the Legends went back to save 1942 New York, could Reverse-Flash have gone straight from “Flashpoint” to “Out of Time?” Somebody’s traveling back in time to put future tech in the hands of villains across history and it may be a change made by Flashpoint. Could Legion of Doom have something to do with it? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 episode 2, “The Justice Society,” airs Thursday at 8pm.

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