Yet another Justice Society member has found a spot on the Waverider: Citizen Steel. Also known as Nathan Heywood, Nick Zano (Minority Report) will bring the grandson of Commander Steel to life.

Like current Legend, Jax (and just-added Arrow cast member, Wild Dog), Nathan was injured playing football in college. However, unlike Jax and Wild Dog, Nathan’s injury was so bad he had to have his leg amputated. Nathan gets his powers as a result of stabbing Reichsmark, who first appeared in Justice Society of America. Upon killing the living metallic man, a new metal leg grows where his amputated leg once was. Like his grandfather Commander Steel, Nathan has superhuman strength, durability and, of course, steel physiology.
Citizen Steel is tied to many characters we’ve met in the Arrowverse, including two pre-existing JSA heroes, Hawkman and Mr. Terrific. We’ll probably catch him fighting alongside founding JSA member, Hourman, introduced as Patrick J Adams in the season finale. However, in the comics he’s known to team up with Power Girl, an alternate version of Supergirl who also happens to be a leading member of JSA.
The original casting breakdown described Nathan’s character as a young man “who grew up in the shadow of his World War II hero grandfather and has used a Han Solo-like facade to conceal his insecurity — until, that is, the development of super powers enables him to live up to his family legacy.”
Four members of JSA have been added to CW’s lineup since the Legends and Flash season finales: Jay Garrick’s Flash, Hourman, Superman, and now Citizen Steel. Could Justice Society be the focus of the 4-way, 4-night crossover next season? Which JSA character do you hope joins DC TV next? Let us know in the comments below!