Mafia 3 will be getting some fresh new threads starting today on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Along with a patch to fix some gameplay issues, there will be free DLC for all gamers that includes 11 new outfits for Lincoln Clay to kill folks in.
The 11 outfits are broken up into three different categories, and range from Lincoln’s old military outfit to a high-end suit. To put on a new outfit, go to any safehouse on the map and head to the wardrobe. From here, you’ll be able to select which outfit you want Lincoln to wear. The new outfits are as follows:
Action Gear
Plain White Tee
On Leave
Full Metal
Full Metal II
Formal Gear
Mr. Clay
Business Hours
Special Occasions
As for the patch notes, Hangar 13’s list isn’t exactly in-depth, but there are some good fixes and improvements mentioned. The developer also promised this would not be the last round of fixes, and more improvements are coming.
The Mafia 3 patch notes are as follows:
UI Improvements
Improved car reflections
Improved streaming issues
Performance optimization
Fixed audio issues
Fixed some cases of savegame corruption
Fixed various issues for Cassandra’s Contraband missions
And more
So what do you think? Are you excited to try on any of the new outfits in the free Character Outfits DLC? What other fixes and improvements would you like to see added in a future patch? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.