Majora’s Mask 3D Release Date: You Don't Need The New Nintendo 3DS To Enjoy The New Zelda

Majora's Mask 3D is coming to the Nintendo 3DS on Feb. 13.
Majora's Mask 3D is coming to the Nintendo 3DS on Feb. 13. Nintendo of America

The Majora’s Mask 3D release date is around the corner, and its release coincides with the New Nintendo 3DS hitting store shelves. And that demands the question: Do you need the New Nintendo 3DS to get the most out of Majora’s Mask 3D? Or can you get by with a regular ol’ Nintendo 3DS or 3DS XL?

Well, I’ve got a review copy, so I feel qualified to say: You can absolutely play it on a regular Nintendo 3DS and have a grand old time.

Majora’s Mask 3D And The New Nintendo 3DS

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First things first: Majora’s Mask 3D and the New Nintendo 3DS are both out Feb. 13, which is a mere stone’s throw away. If you were lucky enough to get a preorder on the golden Majora’s Mask New Nintendo 3DS XL, you’re going to be a happy camper. And not just because it’s incredibly gorgeous: The New Nintendo 3DS does give distinct benefits to playing Majora’s Mask. You just don’t really need any of them.

There are three main reasons why the New Nintendo 3DS is the best choice for Majora’s Mask 3D: First and most importantly, it comes with a second thumbstick, which gives you full control over the camera… and that’s quite handy indeed. Second, the 3D effect looks better. Third, the game runs somewhat better on the faster processor (supposedly—it’s hard to say for sure, since it runs very well on both systems).

Of course, there are two very good reasons why the New Nintendo 3DS may not be the best fit for you right now: Uh, it’s $200, and uh, there aren’t any other games for it yet—even Xenoblade Chronicles isn’t out until April. You probably already have a Nintendo 3DS—I’m sure you do—and there’s no need to rush out and buy the new version just yet. You will benefit if you do, but you don’t have to.

If you have the Circle Pad Pro or Circle Pad Pro XL, you can hook that up to your Nintendo 3DS when playing Majora’s, and it will be just as good, if somewhat clunkier, than the New Nintendo 3DS. But I’ll tell you what: I don’t even have that, and I’m still having a great time. Sure, I don’t have as effortless camera control. But I don’t really miss it. You’ll get by just fine without it. And the 3D effect looks very good already; it’s actually so strong that I don’t keep my 3D slider all the way up. And I haven’t seen any kind of slowdown in framerate throughout the game—a nice plus, considering the N64 version’s notorious clippiness.

If you plan on getting a New Nintendo 3DS, sure, use it to play Majora’s Mask. You’ll have maybe a 10 percent or 15 percent better experience (I made that number up out of nowhere). And you’ll position yourself well for things like Xenoblade Chronicles, which will require the new system. But if you want to sit and wait for a little bit? You’ll be just fine, and Majora’s Mask will be just as fun as ever. I promise.

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