'Mass Effect Andromeda': Game Informer Cover Leaks Protagonist, Who Is The Asari?

December's 'Game Informer' cover
December's 'Game Informer' cover Reddit

We don’t know much about Mass Effect Andromeda, the fourth installment in Bioware’s massively successful space shooter. On Tuesday, a video popped up out of nowhere asking people to join the “ Andromeda Initiative ” and get shot into space. We will find out more about that on Nov. 7, when the initiative starts picking applicants. On top of that, Game Informer ’s December issue cover just leaked, giving us a slightly better look at what the game is going to be.

The tagline “a new hero rises to save humanity” at the bottom of the page pretty much confirms that the protagonist in the first three games, Shepherd, won’t be saving the universe this time around. The helmeted figure still has the symbol of the SSV Normandy, the original game’s ship, plastered on her chest. It could be “femShep,” the fandom’s name for the female version of the game’s protagonist, or someone else entirely.

The real mystery is the alien standing behind her, who hasn’t been seen in any promotional material before. Reddit has a ton of theories of who that might be.

We should be finding out more information in the coming days, but in the meantime you can join the Andromeda Initiative to buy time until the game’s release in March 2017.

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