A new Metal Gear Survive trailer featuring several minutes of cooperative gameplay debuted Friday morning. The new footage didn’t offer any major revelations about Konami’s first post-Kojima Metal Gear project, but does suggest the franchise’s fans could be in for one of their silliest outings yet when Metal Gear Survive heads to PC and consoles next month.
The co-op trailer features about two and a half minutes of new footage, most of which appears to have been captured while defending the Wormhole Digger from incoming zombie hordes. But a few other environments appear in the trailer, too. What may come as a surprise to some viewers (we certainly weren’t expecting it) is how much more over-the-top the action is in this week’s Metal Gear Survive trailer. One character is shown leaping high into the air, much higher than any human could jump, before pulverizing several zombies with a warhammer made of scrap metal and an engine block(?). Konami even scored the video with British glam rock outfit The Sweet’s 1973 hit “The Ballroom Blitz” to keep the mood light.

Even if you aren’t interested in multiplayer, the new Metal Gear Survive trailer should have some appeal. The video previews a number of gadgets from the upcoming survival game, many of which we already knew about, but haven’t necessarily seen in action yet. Konami shows off several traps, craftable and recoverable weaponry, and even a handful of high-tech arrowheads in the new Survive footage. It’s not clear how heavily players will have to rely on the bow, instead of traditional firearms, but it doesn’t seem like it’ll be much of a downgrade in many situations.
For a sneak peek at Metal Gear Survive’s multiplayer experience, check out the new gameplay footage from Konami. Then head down to the comments and let us know if you plan to participate in this weekend’s MGS beta.
Metal Gear Survive is in development for PS4, Xbox One and PC. The game debuts Feb. 20.
Be sure to check back with Player.One and follow Scott on Twitter for more Metal Gear Survive news in 2018 and however long Konami supports Metal Gear Survive after launch.