Minecraft Festival Canceled Over Coronavirus Concerns

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Minecraft Kathin

Mojang recently postponed this year's Minecraft festival over coronavirus concerns. The developer wanted to show off their new games, but after considering all the factors, they wanted to play it safe and delayed until next year.

“In recent weeks, the COVID-19 outbreak has led many organizers to cancel or postpone gatherings and events across the world, as a preventive measure to ensure the health and safety of their guests. The situation around Minecraft Festival, however, is a little different," Mojang stated in a recent post. "September is still many months away, and we are not making any predictions about how long it will take to put the outbreak behind us. This decision is rather a result of the extensive preparations required to organize a mammoth event like this.”

Many other events both in and out of the gaming world have been canceled due to the virus. The Game Developers Conference recently was also affected by this as many developers canceled their appearances to stay more safe. Many esports tournaments have also canceled their matches, or have moved the competition to an online-only experience.

“Our partners, producers, and exhibitors are based in all corners of the world, and right now we can’t meet and collaborate in the way we need to," Mojang's post continues. "Without knowing exactly when we can resume planning, we have decided to postpone. That way, we can make sure that the next year’s event will be the amazing one that our community expects and deserves.”

But Mojang assured that you won’t miss out on anything. The company will be streaming all the news and announcements live on your screen. Minecraft Dungeons is one of the games they want to show off at the festival. The game is super dynamic and has many new aspects to it that make Dungeons feel a bit different from traditional Minecraft.

So, what are your thoughts on Mojang canceling the Minecraft festival? Do you think it was a good idea to cancel it? Personally, I think it is a good idea, and also believe that most public events should be canceled so the outbreak can be contained. Whatever your thoughts may be, let us know in the comments below.

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