TaleWorlds Entertainment, the developer of Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, recently released a new hotfix for the beta and main builds of the game. The hotfix addresses an annoying issue in the main build where the game could crash after losing a battle with an army.
The update also adds some small changes like removing siege from matchmaking and weapon nerfs. To access siege, players have to head towards the quick play tab or customs servers, as it has been removed from matchmaking.
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Update
- Fixed a crash that occurred when pressing the "Gift" button in the kingdom fief menu.
- Fixed a crash that occurred after the "Assemble the Dragon Banner" conversation with "Arzagos."
- Fixed a crash that occurred when the "Gather all companions" option was selected in a tavern.
- Fixed a crash that could occur after losing a battle with an army.
- Fixed an issue with disorganized parties not losing their speed penalty until they bought or sold an item or recruited troops. The speed penalty for disorganized parties is now removed after several in-game hours.
- Fixed an issue that prevented AI parties from assaulting the castle when the player was in a settlement that was being besieged.
- Fixed an issue with clans not wanting to make peace even if they have several enemies.
- Fixed an issue with the plus (+) and minus keys (-) not working properly in the inventory. Now, + and - buttons buy/sell all items when combined with CTRL.
- Fixed an issue with the "Family Feud" quest that caused the player to get stuck in a mission after solving a quest with the lord solution.
- Fixed a visual issue related to DLSS.
- Fixed an issue that granted passive relations bonuses when placing a child in a settlement.
- Added the missing "Calculating" trait icon on the character screen.
- Removed siege from matchmaking. Players can now access siege from the quick play tab or from the custom servers list.
Weapon Changes
- Khuzait Throwing Spear damage decreased from 113 to 87.
- Ash Throwing Spear damage decreased from 105 to 77.
- Pilum damage decreased from 113 to 83.
You can read more about the update here.