New 'Hearthstone: Whispers of the Old Gods' Spell Shows The Destructive Power of The Old Ones

C'thun got angry
C'thun got angry Blizzard
DOOM! Gosu Gamers

Another day, another Hearthstone: Whispers of the Old Gods reveal. Gosugamers - a website I used to write for - showed us DOOM! It’s a 10 mana Warlock spell that destroys all minions on the board, then allows a draw for each minion destroyed. DOOM! is like Twisting Nether on steroids, allowing you to draw cards for spending that extra two mana.

I have no idea if this card will find its place into decks. Control Warlock is a popular deck with cards like Molten Giant and Defender of Argus creating board pressure while you build up a hand. Twisting Nether is a tech card in some versions of the deck, though it isn’t a staple like Implosion or Dark Peddler. The format change is going to hit aggro decks, which counter control decks the hardest. It’s possible that after standard and wild come out, this card could see some play. I plan on playtesting DOOM! with a Dreadsteed control deck, gaining you free card draws while still maintaining board control.

Being able to draw cards for minions destroyed is great though. If your opponent has a full field of Silver Hand Recruits, it might seem like a waste to drop a 10 mana card to clear them. But if Quartermaster has buffed those little suckers up from 1/1 to 3/3, DOOM! might be a great card to play. Not only is their board clear, but you also gain hand advantage in the process. The downside to this is you can’t play anything that turn, and if the opponent still has a powerful card like Ragnaros the Firelord , you’ve essentially wasted a turn while leaving yourself defenseless.

DOOM! has great art, Blizzard really stepped their game up showing C’thun whipping his tentacles about like a Lovecraftian tentacle sprinkler.

Blizzard has also put up a poll to see what streamer gets to reveal the next Hearthstone card.

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