Two teasers dropped on the Power Twitter account in the last 24 hours, both of which show Ghost’s ex-comrade, Tommy, getting beat half to death by a group of guys. As the previous teasers and trailer made obvious, Tommy (Joseph Sikora) has been trailing Ghost (Omari Hardwick). He and Kanan (50 Cent) are determined to kill their former childhood best friend, James ‘Ghost’ St. Patrick. But if we know Kanan, he’s going to get Tommy to do all his bitch work. Did Ghost order a hit on Tommy so he'll back off? Take a look at both new teasers below.
Are y'all ready?? Get a preview of #PowerTV & what's going down with Tasha this season! #PowerReturns July 17!___
— Naturi Naughton (@naturinaughton) June 14, 2016
Are you ready for more #PowerTV? Check this Tommy season 3 preview #PowerReturns July 17.<>
— Joseph Sikora (@JosephSikora4) June 13, 2016
The two short clips do use a lot of recycled footage, but at the 23-second mark you can see Tommy held up by two guys as another beats his face bloody to the bone. In Power ’s new season, Ghost is out of the game and Tommy and Kanan aren’t having it. Ghost is literally running for his life after Kanan escaped death by fire in the Power Season 2 finale. Tommy feels betrayed since Ghost is willing to give up all they’ve built since childhood. Is James ready to completely throw away the only life he’s ever known?

If Starz releases a teaser focusing on a new character each day, like they did with the posters, we’re bound to run into a few more spoilers this week. Who do you think is responsible for Tommy’s beating? Let us know in the comments below!
Power Season 3 airs July 17. Make sure to take a look at the official Power Season 3 posters here.