We still don’t know the release date for Season 3 of Rick and Morty, but Mr. Poopy Butthole’s April 2017 prediction is looking more and more plausible. Co-creators Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon have spoken frequently about the premiere date delay, but mostly to quash unfounded rumors. For now, all we can say is that it will get here when it gets here.
Meanwhile, check out this great new Rick and Morty Season 3 website:
I got my GOVERNMENT MANDATED MyFederation Rewards Card! Join me and quintillions of others in one united universe! https://t.co/EFf8gaprlY pic.twitter.com/FjJPlpoqs2
— Rick and Morty (@RickandMorty) January 30, 2017
At the end of Rick and Morty Season 2 Rick Sanchez was captured and imprisoned. Earth became a member of the Galactic Federation, transforming from a backwater into a new tourist hotspot. This brought with it a wave of alien visitors to Earth, but also enmeshed us in their bizarre and paternalistic system: a sickening combination of surveillance state and debtor’s prison, where universal healthcare comes with a mandated jobs program.
The site mainly serves as the enrollment hub for the Galactic Federation Rewards Card, which promises supplementary perks on top of the Federation’s “mandatory monitoring and resource rationing,” like “Teeth Upgrades” and “Familial Liquidation.”
But someone has been messing with the code. Any attempt to log-in or sign-up will lead to a “hacked” Slack-like feed of news items curated by a pro-Rick Gromflomite using the screenname FR33R1CK5455.
The feed includes surveillance video of familiar Rick and Morty characters (Mr. Poopy Butthole got a cat!), news articles and Buzzfeed-style videos for aliens fascinated by Earth’s wildlife.
But is all this viral stuff just marketing fun, or are there some major insights into Rick and Morty Season 3? At the very least, the site indicates just how radically different Earth will be in new Season 3 episodes. It’s no longer the place we go to retreat from alien and science fiction hijinks. Now the aliens are on Earth.
But it’s one article in particular that offers the most new information about Rick Sanchez and a key part of his background: the Battle of Blood Ridge.
Mentioned in the Season 2 finale, “The Wedding Squanchers,” the Battle of Bood Ridge was Rick and his allies greatest stand against the Galactic Federation’s Gromflomite army:
Ever since that fateful day Rick, Bird Person and Squanchy have been fugitives in hiding, no longer fighters on the opposite side of a war, but terrorists wanted by the state.
Now we finally have some insight into exactly what went down.
The Battle of Blood Ridge took place 27 glaagnars ago on Glapflap’s third moon (a glaagnar seems about equivalent to one Earth year). The revolt that preceded the battle involved a number of species, but the Galactic Federation hated Rick most of all for “his sadistic behavior and complete disregard for protocol set forth in the Blobbado Accords.” Based on witness accounts, this mostly seemed to involve teabagging dying and wounded Gromflomites, or, as one witness describes it, rubbing his “human lower danglers” on the faces of dying soldiers.
You can read the full account here.
Will we learn even more about this consequential conflict in Season 3 episodes? The sheer volume of new information presented on this Rick and Morty site suggests that there’s far more than a marketing team at work. Instead, it seems that at least some of the names and events described must come from the Rick and Morty writing team, indicating that they’ve been giving Rick’s rebellion against the Galactic Federation a lot of thought. But we won’t know for sure until Rick and Morty Season 3 finally premieres.
In the meantime, try out prisoner ID AE-3852-I in the Galactic Federation Prisoner Database.