World of Warcraft players have another reason to celebrate as new treasures are expected to arrive soon with Rise of Azshara. The rewards are grouped into: Mounts, Heritage Armor, Pets, and Toys.
In WoW, mounts are a form of transportation that players can ride on. They can either be exotic beasts or machines. For Mounts, sources are:
- Achievements
- Professions
- Quests
- Raid & Dungeon
- Rare Creatures
- Reputation
- Vendors
One mount that is sure to attract the interest of many players is the Snapback Scuttler. This mount can only be obtained after getting the Undersea Usurper achievement. In the lore, these giant crabs are native to Naztajar and are considered the Naga's favored food. In order to grow them to large sizes, they need to be well-kept.

For the Heritage Armor, this gear is available for players that have reached the maximum level of 120 as tauren or gnome. They also have to be Exalted with their respective faction, Thunder Buff for tauren and Gnomeregan for gnomes. Should they meet these requirements, players are given the chance to begin a new quest line for their successive races. Completing the quests gives the new Heritage Armor transmogrification set that is unique to either race.
However, players also need to be able to finish the Stay of Execution War Campaign quest. This particular quest is expected to be available after the launching of Rise of Azshara.
Pets, meanwhile, are similar to Mounts and can be attained through different ways including:
- Achievement
- Island Expeditions
- Pet Battles
- Quests
- Raid & Dungeon
- Rare Creatures
- Reputation
- Treasures
- Vendors
One new source for pets is known as Junkyard Tinkering and allow players access to Microbot XD and Utility Mechanoclaw.
Finally for Toys, these can be obtained from various sources as well:
- Achievements
- Nazjatar PVP Rewards
- Professions
- Quests
- Reputations
- Treasures & Rare Creatures
- Vendors
A complete list of new treasures can be viewed here.
Rise of Azshara is to be released with patch 8.2.0 and is Battle for Azeroth's second major content patch. This was first announced during last year's BlizzCon. The patch was then deployed on the Public Test Realm last April 16. One change in terms of gameplay is the introduction of Essences, which give players new combat related powers. Similar to Talents, once learned, players are able to apply it or swap it out.
To know more about Rise of Azshara, read here.