Update 1.7.2 for New World marks the beginning of the annual Turkolon event, where players will hunt a giant turkey in specific areas of the game.
New Event
In New World, the Turkolon is a giant turkey that roams in several locations within eight different zones, including Mouringdale, Brightwood, Restless Short, Everfall, Windward, Monarch’s Bluff, Cutlass Keys, and First Light.
The Turkolon is not something that players can defeat by themselves. In fact, it’s so tanky that a bunch of people are needed to take this giant turkey down.
While it’s walking around Aeternum, the Turkolon will occasionally lay some eggs that explode when players go near them. Apart from that, it is capable of shooting lasers from its eyes, dealing tons of damage to anyone unfortunate enough to get hit.
Players who are able to defeat the Turkolon successfully will receive a Massive Turkey Leg, an artifact ingredient used to cook the Roasted Monstrous Turkey Dinner. The said dish provides a temporary buff to Constitution and Luck when consumed.
Patch Notes
Aside from the new event, Update 1.7.2 also re-enables Apparatus and Barbed Netting - two upgrades found on the Blunderbuss Weapon Mastery Tree.
The other changes are:
- Notable Fixes
- Fixed an issue that allowed the previous weapon’s ability to be cast when eating while swapping weapons.
- Fixed an issue that caused the visual effects on the Firestaff Faerie Fire skin to appear in the wrong position.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Heartrune of Stoneform to give a permanent speed boost after cleansing certain status effects.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to desync while triggering an ability if their ability was used after unequipping an active weapon and exiting the inventory.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Faction Control Points to be held by a dead player.
- Expedition
- Fixed an issue that caused Heru's Divine Doom spell to end earlier than intended.
- Perks
- Updated numerous weapon mastery ability perks to ensure that they cannot be triggered off of DoTs.
- Ice Gauntlet
- Fixed an issue that allowed Entombed to remain active while using committed Heartrune abilities.
- Gear/Items
- Fixed an issue that caused Nightveil Hallow items with over 600 Gear Score to no longer Bind to the player following an update in the last patch that made them Bind on Equip.
- In-Game Store
- Fixed an issue that caused certain skins to no longer glow.
- Quests
- Fixed an issue that caused Yonas to not appear for some players on the quest Destiny Unearthed.
- Fixed an issue that caused Anubis to not spawn during the quest Awakening Anubis.
- Fixed a bottleneck on the quest Bear Co-Habitation by increasing the number of bears that will spawn in the area.
- Fixed an issue that made players unable to progress past Camp Tier 2.
- We have re-enabled rewards for the following events:
- Sneed’s Revenge
- Rumble on the Docks
The authorities uncovered this found footage in the forests of Aeternum.
— New World (@playnewworld) November 15, 2022
The details of this case was never disclosed to the public.
Discretion is advised. pic.twitter.com/SQ2SNik97A
New World Update 1.7.2 is available on PC.